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Lesson in Food Cravings: Practice Patience !
Food Cravings: How to Practice Patience?
Why is it we save our best behavior for strangers and unleash it on our families? That's been true in my life, and I suspect it is in yours as well. During the upcoming holiday season we have numerous occasions for parties and family dinners which means more trips to the crowded grocery stores, or the worst of all: the mall. These can wreak havoc with your weight loss during this or any busy time of year.
Trying to "plan ahead" so you can avoid some of the rush is nearly impossible, unless you're smarter than I. Thinking I'd make about three major dishes for Christmas Eve dinner it finally dawned on me that I'm need to start baking a few days early.
Waiting and being patient is not my favorite thing at all. I've always had a difficult time in making a cake a day ahead. (Whenever you catch yourself saying the word "always" that's a hint something to use EFT on is coming to mind). I want to eat the cake as soon as it's finished, so if it must wait for a day, it's torture. I also like to make those huge three and four layer cakes so it takes up the entire refrigerator causing me to see it and nothing else every time I open the door.
Practicing Patience with Yourself and Others
Patience can be practiced all day every day. It is necessary when dealing with strangers, family, and most of all yourself. Just because you usually give in to your immediate desires for food doesn't mean you must do so. Maybe you are trying to avoid feeling deprived but practicing and learning to exercise some patience may be of good use.
If I bake a lovely cake and see it in the refrigerator, it beckons to me. Knowing I cannot take a slice without ruining the presentation doesn't seem to help me avoid the siren call. I could be sitting, minding my own business, when I suddenly snap my head upright, as if I've heard a ghost, "Come and get a piece of cake," it calls to me. "I'm waiting," it cries. "Stupid cake, I think."
Rather than trying to analyze why I have this strange desire to eat the cake, I'm just going to tackle it head-on with some EFT. I may also use the Swish Technique (taught in the Ending Emotional Eating workshop, Session 4).
If you've had similar struggles, try these suggested EFT phrases, or devise some for your situation. (EFT is easy to learn and use--see for worksheets and instructions specific to weight loss or visit for general information on learning EFT).
===== EFT for Patience in Eating
While tapping the P.R. (psychological reversal) point say,
"Even though I want to eat the cake, except I'm not supposed to because it's for tomorrow's dinner party, I deeply and completely accept myself."
Repeat that statement three times and say it like you mean it.
Then tap the rest of the face and body points, using a short reminder such as, "eat cake." The entire time think about that cake and how much you want it and how delicious it would be. Make it as strong a desire as you can (this is how EFT gets a strong neuropathway to disrupt so don't fear you'll make your cravings stronger, it actually will do the opposite).
"Even though I can't stand waiting, I choose to give myself permission to wait."
Reminder: "Can't wait."
"Even though I hate this waiting and I'm going to stick my face in it right now, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway."
Reminder: "Hate being told what to do."
"Even though I can't seem to deny myself what I want, I deeply and completely love and accept myself and give myself permission to wait."
Reminder: "Can't deny."
Practice this on some food or beverage that seems to call to you, and see whether it helps ease that pull. If you are reluctant because you are afraid you'll lose the desire for the completely (and this is you favorite food so you don't want that to happen), don't worry. That's not going to happen. You may come to want it less often and certainly you'll no longer feel a compulsive need for it, but most people discover they still enjoy the food just as much, they just no longer feel out-of-control about it. The control issue is what is being addressed. The desire or compulsion to have something that seems beyond a rational desire, that is what you are working to reduce.
Smile today at every person you see, and practice patience. Think of an inside joke, remember a happy moment, or a funny movie you saw. Put a happy memory in your head and carry it around with you, then whenever you see someone just smile to yourself. Even in the crowded stores, people will treat you better when you put a happy bubble around yourself, and you'll lift their spirits as well.
Tips to Get Rid of Arm Flab
Most women want a beautiful body and toned muscles. Although the arms are the most neglected, it comes a day when their appearance is disappointing and then we wonder how to lose arm flab. We are modern and emancipated, we work many hours a day but we forget to move our arms that gather more and more unsightly deposits of adipose tissue. The most painful thing, is that arms fat is the last who disappear even after the longest and restrictive diets.
We know you have no time to do sports because you're a successful woman and also very dynamic. But you know what? We believe that especially because you are so, you have no excuse for neglecting yourself. Do you want sleek arms and straight shoulders, finely sculpted muscles and the allure of a refined lady? We believe that you can have all these.Here's how to get rid of arm fat.
Healthy diet plays an important role in body toning and therefore of the arms. Pay attention to the number of consumed calories. It must be lower than the number of burned calories. Also, your daily diet should include fresh vegetables rich in iron. Green vegetables are ideal in this respect. You can start your day with a smoothie from few leaves of spinach or stevia.
To have beautiful and firm arms is important to tone the muscles and reduce the fat tissue. Some daily exercises will do wonders in this regard. The most useful are the exercises with dumbbells. But if time does not allow you to go to the gym you should know that there are other ways you can steal time for exercise.Weight lifting in the supermarket is ideal for toning the arms. Loading food products into the shopping cart and downloading them in the car, involves making 10-15 exercises lifting weights. Essentially would be to use each arm equally.
Massage is another solution that will revive arms. There are many creams and gels for toning arms, but if your budget is a limited one, you can use with confidence some natural products. Olive oil can be considered an antique product for beauty. Mix olive oil with lemon juice and massage your arms slightly, as this will really help in losing arm flab fast. Repeat the procedure every night for a week and the results will be seen. The most effective is extra virgin olive oil. Coffee grounds or argan oil are also very effective in improving the skin appearance of your arms.
These are the most affordable solutions to lose arm fat and to get rid of flabby skin. For outstanding results it is recommended the combination of these modalities. Don't forget that a beautiful body is a healthy body.
12 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Exercise
Everyone knows why we should be exercising: to improve health, to look good, to feel good, to fit into nice clothes, to burn fat, to lose weight - all that good stuff. And yet, we're just not doing it. In fact, many of us hardly move at all. We drive everywhere we need to go and then look for the closest parking space; we take the elevator instead of the stairs; we work in front of our computers for hours and then go home and plop on the couch; we watch way too much TV; and then we go to bed.
Our inactivity has become a dangerous national pastime. According to a recent study of more than 120,000 American adults, the more we sit around, the shorter our average lifespan. The results of this study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology provide an excellent reason to get up and get moving - to live longer. Why then, are we not motivated to spend more time exercising?
It seems that losing weight, looking better and feeling better (not to mention living longer) would provide enough motivation to get us moving, but judging from our obesity problem, they are not. The problem with motivation is that many of us believe it's something that will come to us if we wait long enough - that someday we'll wake up and finally want to exercise or diet. Rather than believing in this fantasy, maybe we'd be better off by realizing that motivation is something we create, not something we wait for. And before we can create the motivation to do something, we need commitment.
Making a commitment to do anything - exercise more, eat healthy, lose weight - is one of the most fundamental principles of success. When you're committed, you make it a priority and no matter what comes up, you don't make excuses. I see this in my practice every day. Clients come in to the office and tell me they absolutely have to lose weight and are very committed to do whatever it takes.
Together we come up with a plan - a plan that typically includes exercise such as going for a walk for 30 minutes, 3 or 4 days per week to start. I always ask, "On a scale of 1-10, how committed are you to follow through with this exercise plan?" It's not uncommon to hear that their level of commitment is a 5 or 6. Unfortunately, that's not much of a commitment; it's more like a desire. And there is a vast difference between being committed and desiring something. When you simply desire something, you do it only when the circumstances permit. When you are committed, you accept no excuses. Only true commitment leads to real results.
Get started today. No matter how big or small, make a commitment to exercise and use the list below to help you create motivation. It's time to get moving. You can do this!
All the Motivation You Need To Hit the Gym
1. No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch.
2. What seems so hard now will one day be your warm up.
3. Summer bodies are made in the winter.
4. Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.
5. When you feel like giving up, remember how many people you have to prove wrong.
6. Fitness isn't about being better than anyone else; it's about being better than you used to be.
7. It's better to be covered in sweat at the gym, than covered in clothes at the beach.
8. Do today what others won't, so you can do tomorrow what others can't.
9. Pain is temporary; quitting lasts forever.
10. You are going to want to give up. Don't.
11. A year from now, you will be glad you started today.
12. I can't tell you it will be easy, but I can tell you it will be worth it.
True Garcinia Cambogia Review - Quick Weight Loss Tips To Get Results Now!
stands for. This hormone naturally found in men and women. However, it is scientifically found out that hormone levels are highest during pregnancy of a woman. This hormone has dual benefits. Firstly it maintains the progesterone production which is dangerous in pregnancy. And secondly it helps in weight loss as well.
Green tea as an active ingredient in diet supplements promotes thermogenesis - the process of heat production in organisms. When this happens, your body starts to burn fat. In turn, your metabolic heart rate increases by about 4%. This process does not affect your resting heartbeat. Green tea supplements are safe for people with heart conditions. In short, it burns fat and increases your metabolism without jittery side effects.
25. Eat before you go food shopping and garcinia cambogia always prepare a shopping list. Only buy food which relates to your weekly menu plan and don't be tempted to buy goodies.
The first thing you need to do prior to attempting Dieting Supplements, is take great,difficult look at your diet. If you primarily eat foods that are high in calories along with other poor things like saturated fats, then no diet plan pill will assist you lose weight. It might be annoying but you need to count your calories to make sure you're eating a reasonable quantity each and every day.
Many physicians and nutritionists advise a safe meal plan and daily exercise to avoid added. Present studies states that persons addicted to exercise eat more after an intense cardio trial. In the end, the person only acquires no change in weight as opposed to the planned weight reduction. Over exercise also makes the muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments prone to being injured and exhaustion.
Set realistic goals for yourself. Build up the amount of time you walk a little bit each day. Your goal should be twenty minutes of good walking, enough to get your heart rate up and your body's muscles engaged and moving.
Exercises are a must. Cardio exercises with moderate intensity would help you. It may be a simple jog or just a brisk walk. The best time for exercising is early in the morning and just before the night sleep.
The most important thing to remember is that as with any successful supplement, you should be wary of competitors announcing cheap, me-too, watered down Garcinia products. They won't give you the results you are looking for and could be very costly to your health.
A Great Diet Plan to Lose Arm Fat
Arm fat is fat that you find on forearms as well as on the triceps and biceps. This fat causes no particular risk to the body. However, excessive fat in this area is a precursor for fat in other areas of the body that can bring about risk of various diseases. Belly fat and being overweight can increase the chances of getting heart disease, cancer or diabetes.
This is the reason why a good diet plan is necessary to reduce fat on your arms as well as other parts of the body. An exercise routine is also necessary to include once you have a diet plan. However, before you begin anything you need to talk to your doctor in order to get advice on how to get rid of arm fat. This article will concentrate on the topic "how to lose arm fat".
Recording Daily Diet Plan
It is important to note that recording what you eat is very important. Therefore, ensure that you have a diary that will have a record of every meal you take each and every day. Research done by Center for Health Research at Kaiser Permanente showed that; those who record food intake as well as the exercise sessions done lose twice the weight than those who did not record.
Recording also helps you pinpoint what diet or exercise is working as you try and slim your arms and which is not. A record provides for personal accountability.
How to go about the diet plan
In order to lose weight, you need to ensure that the calories you burn are more than what you actually consume. You will get to drop one or two pounds in one week if you can burn 500-1000calories.
Therefore, reduce on calorie intake and ensure that you include a healthy exercise regime that will give you results.
Add fresh fruits to your diet.
Include vegetables to your diet.
Use low fat dairy.
Include lean protein and whole grains to your diet.
This is a good diet plan to lose arm fat. It is high in nutrients without the risk of overdoing in terms of calories. The diet also ensures that you satisfy you hunger adequately. You will definitely notice fat loss all over your body, including you're arms.
It is important in your diet to avoid the following food:
Fast foods
Frozen meals
Packaged snacks
These are high in calories and will not help youreduce fat on your arms.
Ensure you include an exercise regime to your diet. There are two main exercise regimes that you need to involve yourself in:
Cardiovascular Exercise: They help burn calories by losing fat. They include; jogging, swimming, walking, biking and other organized sports.
Strength Training: They help build lean muscle in place of the fat. Work on your arms should be focused on your forearms, biceps and triceps. They include; triceps dips, bicep curls, rowing, lateral raises, bench press and pushups are good choices. A 20-30minute strength exercise session is recommended by This is a good routine to follow on the issue of "how to lose arm fat".
The Greatest Diet Plan With Regard to Weight Loss
Grains as well as starches for example bread as well as grain not in favor of exactly what diet pills which function assist with. These food types tend to be divided in to sugar, and when not really consumed along with physical exercise will begin to become body fat. This is actually the entire point we are utilizing diet pills which function in order to combat, therefore it certainly is not some thing for you to do.
Without having heading an excessive amount of to the technology or even nourishment of those meals, I really hope the thing is how the greatest diet plan with regard to weight loss is actually vegetables, dried beans as well as liver organ. Coupled with your own diet pills which function, these people create a excellent mixture of meals which are certainly really worth attempting.
Making use of your weight loss dietary supplements along with correct physical exercise is extremely effective. Not just are you going to lose weight as well as maintain this away, your entire body will end up much more well developed and will also be more powerful ultimately! Absolutely nothing to get rid of, every thing to achieve.
One of the most typical error with regards to working out in order to lose weight may be the indisputable fact that it is about calories from fat. Even though you certainly wish to burn off lots of calories from fat lingzhi2daydietpills, you need to make certain your own workout is actually fairly well balanced.
For instance, many people realize that operating uses up probably the most calories from fat associated with any kind of physical exercise, so that they simply set you back burn off fat. Regrettably, theyâEUR(TM)re missing something which assists a great deal when you are getting diet pills which work- the actual creating muscle mass aspect.
To construct muscle mass, you need to do routines which place some type of opposition in your muscle tissue. Pushups, pullups, as well as squats tend to be excellent good examples. These types of workouts can help parts of your muscles turn out to be more powerful, that will result in higher caloric usage later on (simply because muscle tissue burn off calories from fat rapidly).
Therefore whilst you should physical exercise your own center through operating, make sure to perform additional routines to create the body more powerful. This can function far better over time whenever coupled with diet pills which function.
Among the best steps you can take whilst getting diet pills which function would be to obtain lots of relaxation. Should you are not obtaining a minimum of 7-8 several hours the evening, you are missing lots of fat loss!
The key reason is actually simple- the body requirements rest in order to recover by itself. This really is whenever muscle tissue tend to be rebuilt, your biochemistry is actually rebalanced, as well as your internal organs may take a rest! Every thing decelerates as long as youâEUR(TM)re resting, that is essential to assist the body line up by itself with regard to fast weight loss.
IâEUR(TM)ll acknowledge you donâEUR(TM)t require lots of rest in order to lose weight Diet Pills That Really Work of 2014 along with diet pills which work-but it will be assists. YouâEUR(TM)ll have much more power, be considered a more happy individual, and become permitting the body to complete exactly what it is designed to therefore it may burn off fat quick.
For those who have sleep problems, Diet Pills That Really Work of 2014 attempt a number of of those techniques that will help you drift off:
* Study the fictional guide before mattress.
* Have a chilly bath or even shower prior to leaping in to mattress.
* Have more physical exercise throughout the day.
* Do not view television or even focus on some type of computer near to bedtime.
* Create inside a diary concerning the points you need to do the next day (so that they are not nevertheless in your thoughts).
In the event that these types of do not function, speak to your doctor- perhaps you have sleeplessness as well as he is able to make a move to assist.
Once again, you will find diet pills which function and people which do not. To find the greatest outcomes through any kind of weight loss dietary supplements, make sure to possess a healthy diet plan, obtain lots of physical exercise, and obtain sufficient relaxation every night.
Best of luck! I really hope you like these types of diet pills which function!
Creating a Healthy Habit - My Big Blue Cup
Most people will agree one of the healthiest habits you can adopt is to drink lots of water each and every day. Not only does water nourish and hydrate the body, but it aides digestion along with flushing impurities from the body. Best yet, water has absolutely zero calories so it literally is the perfect beverage.
To be honest, I have not always been a die-hard water drinker. It was a habit that I needed to develop particularly since I was a heavy soda consumer. When I say heavy, I mean daily. Terrible, terrible, terrible.
Thankfully I've changed this habit around and now regularly drink at least six glasses of water each day, sometimes in upwards of ten glasses a day. That's how much I've come to enjoy this refreshing, healthy beverage.
That leads us now to the topic of this post - My Big Blue Cup.
I have this rather large-sized plastic blue cup that holds exactly 28 ounces of liquid. I have no idea where this cup came from, or how it came into my possession, but for the past year it has come to be known personally for me as my big blue cup.
Aside from my 1 cup of coffee I drink in the morning, water is generally the beverage I consume for the remainder of the day. When eating lunch, a bottle of water, my snack always goes hand-in-hand with water, dinner usually 2 glasses of water, and definitely after working out - water, water, water.
At home, the first thing I look for when I'm thirsty is my big blue cup. For some reason this plain, un-decorative plastic cup that most likely cost no more than a dollar has really helped me stick with drinking water on a daily basis and that is what's key here.
My big blue cup has become such a standard instrument for me, drinking out of another cup when at home means I'm not drinking water. Plus since this cup holds 28 ounces, I'm actually getting 3 glasses of water each time I drink the entire thing!
Point is, if a special cup or glass will help inspire you to create a healthy habit, jump on it. Go for it! Whatever it takes to develop positive, healthy habits is what's most important to take from this.
Designate what your inspirational drinking cup, mug, glass, bottle will be and it may help you stick with the healthy habit of drinking water every day just like my big blue cup has done for me.
Lose 104 Pounds in a Year !
Did you ever think about the fact that losing 2 pounds a week adds up to 104 pounds a year? That's a LOT of weight.
Sooo.... Let's say that you have only about 20 to 30 pounds to drop. You could safely lose that extra weight in 10 to 15 weeks, or about 2 1/2 to 3 months. I think that's a pretty handy thing to know.
Why you shouldn't try to drop weight too quickly
First of all, your body tends to want to retain weight; and the first weight that drops off is usually water weight, or fluid weight. So that 10 pounds that you drop so effortlessly and gain back just as quickly is probably just extra fluid.
Even if you try to starve yourself, your metabolism will just slow to a crawl, and make it that much more difficult to drop weight. Your body thinks it needs that extra fuel (weight) for survival.
Slow and Steady Wins the Race
"Slow and Steady..." says the tortoise.
Okay, now how do you do this?
Well, lasting weight loss means improving your eating habits and yes, exercising. This takes time and effort. This is one reason why quick weight loss is usually followed by quick weight gain - you haven't had enough time to develop good eating and exercise habits.
You can start by not skipping meals. This slows your metabolism even further. Try to eat five or six small meals a day to keep your metabolism revved up and burning those calories.
Exercise - think you just don't have the time? How about a quick ten minute walk two or three times a day? That adds up to 20 to 30 minutes of exercise a day. And you get the same benefits as exercising all at once. As a matter of fact, you get your metabolism going more often when you break exercise into manageable chunks.
Slow and steady weight loss is beneficial to your body AND helps you to adjust to new eating and exercise habits.
Besides, with everything else in life rushing by, why not slow something down? You'll feel great when that weight drops off and stays off, to the tune of 104 pounds in only a year.
9 Everyday Superfoods to Aid Weight Loss
Weight loss foods need not be complicated supplements. Our diet is full of an abundant variety of superfoods that help you lose weight. These foods, when eaten in the right quantities, increase your health and help you battle fat.
Here's a list of 9 superfoods for weight loss:
1. Lean Meat - Going on the lean meal diet is considered as taking baby steps to losing weight. Lean meat contain less amount of total fat and saturated fat. For example Chicken and turkey breast contain less than 5gms of total fat and are an excellent replacement from typical red meat which is full of fat. Other than the fact that they help you burn your calories, lean meat also helps in keeping your skin, hair and nails shiny.
2. Lentils - Lentils, otherwise known as edible pulse are very high in nutrition and low in calories. They are the perfect fat burning foods that contain high levels of protein and fibre. Since they are low in calories, it doesn't matter how much you eat them and you couldn't binge on them even if you wanted to. The fibre in lentil will also keep a check on your blood sugar level.
3. Oats - Having oats for breakfast is the best way to start a day where you intend to diet seriously. One proper serving of Oats fills you up and they are very low in calories. Like lentils, oats provide high levels of fibre, protein and low fat. Other benefits include a normal blood sugar level, removal of bad cholesterol and prevention of heart ailments and major forms of cancer.
4. Green Tea - We should definitely thank the Chinese for inventing or rather accidentally coming across green tea. They have been using it as a type of herbal medicine for years. It helps in increasing our body metabolism and hence intensifying the process of oxidation of fat. This is a fat burning food that you can serve to everyone.
5. Avocado - Apart from tasting and feeling great, avocados are also great weight loss foods. Scientists believe that avocados help in reducing hunger whilst increasing our body's ability to absorb nutrients.
6. Cinnamon - Cinnamon helps control blood sugar levels. It is a natural sweetener which can help you avoid sugar and harmful artificial sweeteners. Add it to your tea or coffee and do yourself a world of good.
7. Watermelon - Watermelon is a nutrient rich fruit with very high water content. Eating watermelon is a great snack idea as this water rich fruit takes up a lot of space in your gut. This reduces your appetite for other foods while still giving you a lot of nutrition.
8. Raw vegetables - Growing up, our parents would force us to eat vegetables even if we disliked them. If you want to lose weight, vegetables are your best bet. Fill your diet up with fresh vegetables which you can eat raw. They taste great as a snack and give you an abundance of nutrition.
9. Eggs - Everybody needs protein and eggs are among the best way to get them. Eggs have the right balance of calories and nutrients, making them the best foods to start your morning with.
How Can The Healthy Recipes Help You To Lose Your Weight?
Although somewhat difficult, making good nutrition choices should be the principal focus of your life. Eating food properly leads to a healthier life. Below, some tips are being explained to help you so that you can start a better way of life.
An efficient method to get your child to try something new is not by talking about how it tastes, but by having discussion about what it feels like and looks like. For example, you could make them interested by talking about how the texture has similarity to another food, which they already like. Change to another kind of milk. Get rid of the fat and calories. Do not include fatty milk in your overall diet plan. You are sure to feel and look great without making sacrifices with the nutrients.
Purchasing seasonal produce is a wonderful way to have best quality of nutrition from your food and stay on budget. Your body needs the nutritional value of the vitamins and minerals, which are in fresh fruits and vegetables. Buying produce which is in season will save lots of money for you. Remember that good nutrition is important for a healthy life. Eating a well-balanced diet helps you feel best and look best. Decreasing the amount of sugar you consume is one step to become healthier. Specifically, you should refrain yourself from consuming too much fruit juice and soda. Usually, such drinks have a lot of sugar added to them, which does no favors to your health. Removing sugar from your daily intake will give good results. You will feel good and look good.
You should try to eat oatmeal for breakfast in order to set yourself on a better path for the day. The nutrients, which are found in oatmeal, will help fill you up. As a result, you will not feel hungry soon. You should use multivitamins in order to supplement your diet rather than using it to replace foods, which you should be eating. There is hardly anything such as whole foods for improvement of your health. Unless you are suggested by your physician, you should not take multiple multivitamins in the same day. Remember that consuming lots of vitamins can throw off the balance of your body.
You should include a regular supply of calcium in your diet. These foods include nuts, soya milk, dried beans, sardines, green leafy, cheese and milk. The health of bones and your teeth depend on sufficient supply of calcium.
How to Lose Water Weight in 24 Hours?
How many glasses of water do you drink each day? An approximate answer should be 6 to 8 glasses. For a healthy life we need 8 glasses of water per day. This requirement also depends on your workout routines. People who work hard physically, burn more calories and they need more water to keep their energy in balance.
Teenagers who play outdoor games need to drink more water as compared to adults. Before we go any further; we must know what is water weight? Is it good or bad? And we must figure out whether it is a temporary effect or it can be made permanent.
In simple words, when our body is fully hydrated; it does not need to store water and essential fluids. But if you are on fasting or you do not drink enough water then our body needs to store water and that is the phenomenon known as water weight.
Tips to Lose Weight
Cardiovascular exercise
Steam Bath
Body wraps
Balanced diet
Water pills
Drink a lot of water
Cook your own meals
Avoid medications
Exercise, steam room, body wraps, and some simple weight loss tips can help you lose water weight but if you want to make big changes then go one step further.
Increase your consumption of pure and natural water
Reduce salt intakes in the form of cold drinks, canned food, medications and artificial drinks.
Avoid sodium snacks and high sugar drinks.
Take fresh fruits, fresh vegetables and fresh fruit juices.
A quick tip
Cook your own meal
Most meals can be cooked in less than 15 minutes. So why not spent 15 minutes in designing a healthy meal for a healthy meal.
This step is not only for water weight loss. Cooking your own food helps you stay healthy and live a long life. (Do not forget, good diet plans contribute to permanent fat loss.)
Avoid salt and sugar. Water molecules are naturally attracted toward sodium crystals. And it is a great reason for water weight gain. This means you should avoid artificial sweeteners, snacks, cold drinks, canned fish, canned fruits and vegetables, and also try to avoid salt in ready-made sauces.
Losing water weight is not a difficult thing. By making a little effort, you can easily lose 5 to 6 pounds of water weight in 2 days and it is safe.
Best of luck!
Acai Berries For Weight Loss
You have probably been hearing a great deal about acai berries lately. They are being promoted as the latest and greatest weight loss miracle food.
Acai fruit are small but easily distinguishable purple and black berries that hail originally from the Amazon rainforests. They are one of the new diet super foods that are on the market and they are sold as everything from a mash to a juice or even mixed in with yogurt. You can also buy it in powdered form and pill form to help expedite the kind of elimination from your colon that can also speed up weight loss.
Acai berries are classified as super foods because aside from weight loss they offer a very wide range of health benefits. These benefits include life extension, free radical fighting and keeping your blood pressure under control. The berry is also a potent immune system booster that can help prevent you from catching colds and flus.
One of the unique things about this berry from the rainforest is that it can also help boost energy levels and stamina. This can really help when it comes to giving you enough energy to get through an exercise routine. Some individuals believe that it is actually a mood booster of some sort although technically it is classified as a food both in America and South America.
The acai berry contains very high levels of dietary fiber which can help your digestive system to become more efficient. Less crap is allowed to fester and ferment in your digestive tract and stomach.
This is important, because most people do not take on board sufficient dietary fiber in their normal diet which means that over time, a significant amount of undigested food gets left in your stomach. In fact some natural health experts claim that there can be up to 20 pounds of ‘rubbish’ in your gut that never gets shifted under normal circumstances and that you need to take some kind of natural cleanser (like acai berry) that prompts the intestinal process in order to get your bowels moving.
Hence, as you drink lots more water whilst increasing your consumption of high fiber foodstuffs such as fruit, vegetables and acai, it is quite possible that you will see a very significant weight drop in the first few days as these toxins are flushed out of your system. This could manifest as diarrhea at first but the key is to be patient. Some people suffer this side effect for just a few hours and others for quite a few days as the colon cleans itself out.
Carbonated Drinks Cause Weight Gain
Colas and carbonated drinks can sabotage your weight loss goals. This is true even if you are drinking diet drinks! Research has revealed that anything that is carbonated seems to make you gain weight.
The worst culprit when it comes to soda induced weight gain is cola which of course contains a great deal of sugar. This certainly blows away the belief that it is okay for the dieting individual to drink club soda.
Soda induced weight gain simply has something to do with carbonation in general. Studies have proven that people just don’t seem to gain as much weight when they drink non-carbonated beverages. When it comes to drinking club soda the high sodium level of these beverages may be to blame. They can cause you to retain water and cause havoc with other systems in your body such as your blood pressure.
Experts say that if you stop drinking all carbonated drinks you can lose as much as fifteen pounds in one month. It is the sugar in the colas that is so addictive. Anybody who is a cola addict is also a sugar addict. Sugar is an empty calorie with no nutritional value. Your body loves to store it and if all of this sugar is not worked off immediately it can go straight to the areas on your body where you collect stubborn fat.
Nutritionally a cola is one of the worst foods you can put in your body. First of all it is not even of much value as a fluid as it has so much caffeine in it that it acts as a diuretic. A diuretic is any food or liquid that causes a person to lose water through urination. Just one eight-ounce glass of the cola contains 140 calories and all of those calories come from high fructose corn syrup.
The caffeine in Coke helps speed the sugar to your pancreas where it is then unleashed into your bloodstream. The results in a temporary high once all of this sugar is delivered to your brain. Unfortunately the high that a sugar addict gets from drinking a coke doesn’t last for long and a crash in mood or energy soon follows. This then triggers the brain to go searching for another cola fix so that it can experience the elation of another sugar high.
Consider that just four eight ounces servings of Coca Cola will add 560 calories to your diet a day. If you have been exercising and dieting then it might be time to take a serious look at how often you consume carbonated beverages as that might be the cause of your mysterious inability to lose weight.
Good Fats and Bad Fats
It was only about a decade ago that all fat was considered bad for natural weight loss. However nowadays fat is divided into two different categories – good fats and bad fats. The good fats are essential to heart health brain functioning and healing. The bad fats cause all kinds of ailments including diabetes, cancer and heart attacks.
Contemporary research shows that you can make yourself sick by cutting all fats from your diets. The good fats are called unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats are divided into two categories – monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. Both types can help lower elevated cholesterol levels. Monounsaturated fats have a dual purpose – helping to lower LDL (bad cholesterol) while raising levels of HDL (good cholesterol) at the same time.
Monounsaturated fats also have a slight edge health wise over the polyunsaturated kind because they are thought to be more stable biochemically and less likely to cause free radicals to let loose in the body.
Still polyunsaturated fats are not worthless. They are a fantastic source of essential omega-3 fatty acids. These types of acids are found mostly in dark leafy greens, nuts cold-water fish, flaxseed oils, vegetable oils and some types of seeds. Our bodies cannot manufacture essential fatty acids. Consuming these fish, seeds and nuts is the only way for our bodies to take advantage of their benefits. Essential fatty acids are thought to lower blood pressure, combat LDL (bad) cholesterol, protect the brain and nervous system and have healing effect on the body in the general.
Most cooking oils consist of unsaturated fats. Two oils are a superior choice for cooking because they contain optimum levels of monounsaturated fats. These two oils are canola oil and olive oil. These are the only two oils you should be cooking with if you want to lose weight.
However it is important to remember that whether fat is classified as good or bad it still counts as a calorie. That does not mean that the oil has fewer calories. Whatever type of oil you are eating it will always be one hundred percent fat.
The worst fats are found in meat and dairy. These are called saturated fats and are found mostly in dairy and meat products. You can tell a saturated fat from an unsaturated or monosaturated fat because it remains solid at room temperature. Eating these types of fats on a regular basis also has the effect of directly raising your LDL (bad cholesterol) as well as the count of your total cholesterol.
Fad Diets to Avoid
Most weight loss diets are actually fad diets that are repackaged to us as the newest and latest way to lose weight. A good example of this kind of resell to the public is the Zone diet. The Zone Diet sounded novel when it first came out but it is actually based on food combining principles from Asia that have been around for thousands of years. Another example is the South Beach diet which is based on the Stillman Diet from the sixties.
So how do you tell if a fad diet is a truly just a repackaged trend? First of all if it is based on the way cavemen eat or on the foods eaten in the Bible it is likely to be a bit bogus. That type of diet is based on food deprivation and vegetarianism and both types of weight loss methods have been around for thousands of years. Basically if the diet is based on eating mostly protein and no carbs, carbs and no protein or no fat it is not a healthy diet.
It is also a fad diet if it is based on eating only one food such as a grapefruit only diet or fatty foods only diet. You just don’t get all of the nutrition that you need eating this way. You need to eat a variety of foods in order to stay healthy.
The South Beach Diet, the Zone Diet and the Atkins diet are high protein low fat diet diets. These types of diets induce ketosis to accelerate weight loss. Ketosis is an abnormal body process that occurs during starvation. Ketosis causes fatigue, constipation, nausea, and vomiting, none of which are part of a healthy lifestyle. The long-term side effects of ketosis are documented to include heart disease, bone loss, and kidney damage.
Crash diets dehydrate you, low calorie diets put your body into starvation so you can't lose one more pound and high protein diets stress your kidneys and clog your arteries.
You do need both protein and fat in the diet as both serve important metabolic and physiological roles in the body. Fad and crash diets, such as the ones described above are not only unhealthy but they are also cause rebound weight gain. Also most diets cause an initial weight loss but the ultimate result is that you gain all of the weight back the minute you go off the plan. If you don't gain it back within a couple of months, you are likely to gain it all back plus a bit more within a year.
Vitamins and Minerals for Natural Weight Loss
Part of a healthy natural weight loss regiment is making sure that you get all the vitamins and minerals that you need to sustain your body’s health. This is especially important if the weight loss diet that you are on involves a restriction of calories. Ideally you should get your vitamins from eating plant foods but if you can’t you can get them from food then you may have to resort to taking vitamin supplements.
Here is how vitamins can benefit you and what foods you can find each type in.
Vitamin A (retinol)
Benefits growth, reproduction and strengthens immunity, skin, tissues and eyesight
Found in eggs, cheese, milk, tuna, bluefish, mackerel
Vitamin B1 (thiamin)
Benefits brain function and converts excess carbohydrates to fat
Found in pecans, peanuts, barley, rice bran, wheat germ, oatmeal, brewer's yeast, ham, green and black-eyed peas and black beans
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
Protects against cancer and anemia
Found in soy milk, brewer's yeast yogurt, cottage cheese, asparagus, Brussels sprouts
Vitamin B3 (niacin)
Lowers cholesterol, protects against cardiovascular disease and prevents diabetes.
Found in low-fat meats, tofu, brewer's yeast, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, peas, broccoli, mushrooms
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
Decreases homocysteine levels and risk of heart disease and improves glucose tolerance. It also improves carpal tunnel syndrome, mood and sleep disorders and, PMS
Found in banana, avocado, rice bran, brown rice, oatmeal, soybeans, sunflower seeds, broccoli, all meat, halibut, pork, brewer's yeast
Vitamin B12
This nutrient aids new cell growth, glucose metabolism and the nervous system.
Found in low-fat animal protein and beef, oysters, clams, crab, tuna, bluefish, cottage cheese, low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs
This is an antioxidant that improves vision and protects the body from cancer.
Found in dark leafy greens, carrots, sweet potato, squash, pumpkin, papaya, apricots, cantaloupe
Produces healthy hair and prevents baldness
Found in eggs, cauliflower, legumes, mushrooms, oat bran, liver, pecans, peanuts
Vitamin C
Improves immune system response, promotes wound healing, reduces allergies and offers protection against cancer.
Found in kiwi, strawberries, citrus fruits, papaya, peppers, broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts
Prevents osteoporosis, prevents some cancers, and is useful in treatment of high blood pressure.
Found in low-fat milk, yogurt, dairy, tofu, legumes, almonds, sesame seeds, molasses, salmon, mackerel, dark leafy greens, broccoli
Useful in the treatment of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.
Found in lean beef, oysters, buckwheat, whole grains, molasses, potato skins
Protects against cardiovascular disease and may help with arthritis.
Found in oysters, lobster, Brazil nuts, walnuts, pecans, almonds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, split peas, buckwheat, granola, chocolate
Vitamin D
Aids calcium absorption, hearing and also maintains healthy nerves and muscles.
Found in low-fat milk, eggs, herring, salmon, sardines
Vitamin E
Boosts immune system and also serves as an antioxidant for cancer prevention.
Found in green leafy vegetables, wheat germ, poultry, fish, sweet potato, soybeans, walnuts, almonds, walnut oil, sunflower oil
Folate (folic acid)
Decreases risk of heart disease and prevents birth defects.
Found in eggs, dark leafy greens, broccoli, asparagus, avocado, sweet potato, peanuts, sunflower seeds, orange juice
Protects against anemia and boosts the immune system.
Found in lean animal protein, fortified cereals, legumes, spinach, beets, almonds, and pumpkin and sesame seeds
Vitamin K
Protects against osteoporosis and cancer.
Found in dark leafy greens, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, chickpeas, lentil, yogurt
Helps build strong bones and teeth.
Found in lean meat, low-fat dairy, whole grains, legumes, and peas
Boosts immune system, protects against heart diseases, works as an anti-inflammatory and prevents cancer
Found in lean meat, wheat germ, barley, oats, whole grains, Brazil nuts, eggs, oat bran, liver
Aids with fertility, skin growth, healing, digestion and boosts immune system.
Found in oysters, whitefish, lean meat and animal protein, black-eyed and split peas, oatmeal, brown rice, wheat germ
How to Combat Belly Fat?
If you have belly fat building up around your midriff it is not a good sign. You need to address this matter by adjusting your diet. Here are some tips for combating belly fat.
1. Include more fiber in your diet. If your digestive tract is bloated or constipated it can cause your tummy to become distended. Eat more fiber in the form of grains, flax seeds and vegetables. When matter is cleaned out of the digestive tract it makes you look thinner.
2. Drink more water. The colon needs to flush out toxins and the best way to do this is drink sixty four ounces of water which is equal to eight eight ounce glasses of water a day. Never wait until you are thirsty to drink as that means you are already dehydrated.
3. Eat food rich in magnesium. This includes beets, raisins, dates and soybeans. These help fight a variety of cancers and help keep your muscles operating without pain so you can reduce that belly fat. Magnesium also helps calm your nerves which in turn can help prevent anxious overeating.
4. Eat foods rich in folic acid. This includes orange juice and spinach. You will be able to exercise long without getting exhausted if you get enough of this nutrient.
5. Get enough Vitamin D. In order to lead a healthy life you need to supplement your diet with at least 1200 milligrams of Vitamin D a day.
6. Take two Baby Aspirin every day. This is one way to help sweep cholesterol and fat out of the system. It helps prevent belly swelling and fat building up around the midriff.
7. Drink black coffee. Drinking black coffee helps the intestines to eliminate waste. Drinking up to three cups a day can help keep the waistline trim and also provide you with the stimulation and stamina that you need to sustain exercising for a long time.
8. Eat foods with next to no calories. Foods with no calories are called zero calorie foods and include lettuces and berries. These foods have almost no calories in them. They are also rich in antioxidants and help keep you from gaining weight.
9. Eat whole grains. Eating grains can help flush fat and cholesterol out of the intestines. Quinoa, spelt and bulgur are good choices.
10. Drink rice or soy milk instead of milk. Even the slightest of milk allergies has been known to distend a stomach and produce gas and inflammation that can make you look fatter than you are.
Core Exercises to Lose Weight
Core strengthening exercises are also sometimes called abdominal-strengthening exercises. This is because when you strengthen the core stomach muscles you also strengthen the back and midriff. There are many benefits to having a strong core and one of them is that a strong core can help you lose weight.
The benefits of abdominal strengthening exercises are not just limited to helping you lose weight. They also ease the back and perhaps even get rid back pain and strain. Doing tummy strengthening exercises also keeps your organs in their rightful places and helps speed up weight loss. They can also increase your all over flexibility as well as your ability to twist from side to side.
The stronger you abdominal muscles are the less likely you are to sustain a back strain or back injury or develop a hernia. Although a trimmer waistline is a side effect of doing these exercises the real benefit is a stronger back. This in turn can allow you to exercise harder and longer. Of course the more you exercise the more weight that you will lose.
So just what are abdominal strengthening exercises? You might just know them as sit ups. Professional trainers also offer classes in gyms that employ the use of medicine balls or air filled exercise balls to perform abdominal strengthening exercises. You could also try taking a class like aquavit or Pilates to try and strengthen this part of the body as well.
Abdominal strengthening exercises may also be of some assistance if you suffer from back pain. Of course before embarking on any exercise program with the intention of trying to heal back pain it is important to consult with your doctor or a physical fitness expert first.
Remember not to go too far when it comes to core strengthening. Abdominal strengthening exercises can give you a washboard stomach complete with ripples but if you are not fond of this reptilian look then is sure to moderate yourself while you exercise.
However if you are really overweight you may be a long way from looking “cut” as the result of these exercises. Instead you just might want to get to the point where your belly does not look prolapsed as the result of weight gain. This simply means that your stomach muscles start to hold your organs in place like they are supposed to so you don’t look like you have a beer belly.
Weight Loss Exercise and the Elderly
If you are older and trying to lose weight you cannot use the years that have gone by as an excuse for not exercising. Even if you are over sixty five years old and suffer from conditions that you think might prevent you from exercising you can still get fit.
Studies show that people with diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis and heart disease need to get off the couch and start moving. The weight gain caused by being sedentary can make your condition worse.
If you are not sure if exercise is safe for your health or if you are currently inactive, check with your doctor before you begin any kind of program. This should also help with any concerns you may have about whether or not it is harmful for you to exercise.
You will also feel safer exercising if you are well prepared for it. Make sure you have had plenty of rest, that you have had enough liquid to drink and that you are well fed before expending any energy. Your clothes should fit right and be suitable for exercise and your shoes should also have good arch support so that your calves and feet do not get sore.
If you are sick or recovering or simply not been that active you should begin slowly. Start with the exercises that you are comfortable performing. Walking is the perfect activity to start with especially if you have not exercised in long time. Starting slowly prevents you from getting sore and it also decreases your chances of overdoing it and straining yourself. It does not take much to begin an exercise program despite your age. All it literally takes is making that first step.
You need to of course check with a doctor about how much exercise you can get away with especially if you are recovering from an operation or have a chronic illness. However in general it is thought that doing some type of aerobic activity for at least half an hour every day will do wonders for keeping you fit.
Examples of aerobic activity are walking, swimming, and bicycling. You should also do resistance, or strength training two days per week unless you are advised not to do so by a physician. This type of training will help you burn off extra calories even while your body is sitting at rest. Furthermore weight training builds stamina and strength and is not as hard on the heart as the aerobic exercises which raise the heart rate.
Anaerobic Exercise and Weight Loss
Anaerobic exercise is the type of exercise that we otherwise call muscle building or weight lifting. It is the best kind of exercise to adopt in order to lose weight.
The term anaerobic means movements that are carried out “without oxygen.” It allows muscles to bulk up and become very strong. This is due to the muscle fibers being forced to work harder because oxygen is not constantly being pumped into the lungs and fueling the activity.
This “without oxygen” term does not mean that you are not breathing when you accomplish the moves. A weight lifter still breathes when they are not in an oxygen deficit situation. When you exercise muscles aerobically you do not breathe heavily.
Aerobic exercises include such activities as cycling, jumping rope, and swimming, spinning on a stationary cycle, rebounding and running. You may breathe heavily doing these exercises to get your heart rate up. Lifting weight does not accelerate your pulse in the same way.
Anaerobic exercises are used during training for non-endurance sports like boxing to build muscle mass. Muscles that are trained under anaerobic conditions develop in a different way than muscles that are training for duration (such as long distance running.)
Muscle training compels the body to use processes that are not dependant on oxygen to produce energy. It just means that you are not using as much oxygen as if you were jogging or swimming. All weight lifting exercises are classified as anaerobic in nature. Many types of anaerobic exercises associated with weightlifting. However the most common types include working with pulleys, medicine balls and slant boards.
This is very unlike an aerobic exercise, which usually requires that the body travel unless you are using a training machine such as a stationary bicycle. Almost all stationary exercise is anaerobic in nature.
Different types of anaerobic exercises can also be used as part of interval training. Interval training is a very efficient way to lose weight and build muscle. The combination of both exercises is effective way to lose weight and keep it off for good.
Practicing anaerobic exercises can help you build lean muscle. Lean muscle keeps on burring fat long after you stop exercising. This is why this type of oxygen free exercise is such an important part of an exercise program that has the goal of achieving weight loss.
Lean muscle mass burns the most calories of any other tissue in your body. It can help you reduce your weight at a faster rate than aerobic exercise. The other bonus is that lean muscle tissue keeps burning muscle for hours after you stop exercising which maximizes your overall potential to lose as much weight as possible.
Trying Too Hard Sabotages Weight Loss
Most weight loss attempts fail simply because people try too hard. They set up high expectations of themselves and then gorge on the wrong foods when they cannot stick to the diet. This just makes their obesity problem worse.
If you want to lose pounds for good you need to forget about fad diets and lose weight he natural way. This means applying the principles of natural eating to your life. For some that means eating a vegan diet and for others it means including some meat in the diet as a protein source. Every individual is different when it comes to deciding what their body requires to survive.
Eating better often involves big lifestyle changes. Big changes are not accomplished overnight. You also can’t get anywhere if you insist on counting each and every calorie. Forget any ideas you may have about this entailing sacrifice, deprivation or days and days of eating nothing but a bland diet. Trying too hard like this simply does not work.
The key is that if you are eating vegan there is no need to count calories. Your body naturally knows what to do to keep you at a healthy weight.
Furthermore you will NOT ignore your body’s cues to eat as is true of other dieting. Feeling hungry is a sign that is something wrong. Part of a healthy weight loss plan is listening to your body’s messages.
Don’t ever think for two seconds that staying hungry will keep you thin. In fact the exact opposite happens. Your body slows down the burning of your metabolism to a very slow rate. It is a defense mechanism against hunger.
You can also think of eating a vegan diet as a worry free way to eat because your body knows what to do with the substances that you are ingesting. This is because you are consuming nutrients and not chemical.
The reason your body is more efficient with these types of foods is because fruits, vegetables and grains are much less dense in energy than animal foods. They simply pack fewer calories per cupful or spoonful.
This is because fat has nine calories per gram while carbs and protein only have four calories per gram. In addition good carbs like fruits, vegetables and whole grains contain great amounts of fiber. Fiber makes you feel full and adds almost no calories to your meal.
In some studies, those who follow whole foods, low-fat, plant-based diet consumes fewer calories. It's not because they're starving themselves. In fact, they will likely spend more time eating and eat a larger volume of food than their meat-eating counterparts.
This means that every time you eat a healthy meal, you may reduce the calories that you consume, digest and absorb, even if you eat significantly more food at one sitting.
Food deprivation just does not work. The beautiful thing about a vegan diet is that you do not deny yourself food. This is because weight loss due to calorie restriction almost never leads to long-term weight loss.
The Reasons Most People Are Overweight
Being overweight is not always just a matter of being lazy or eating too much. Sometimes there are other issues that cause people to become obese.
The problem is that no one diet automatically recognizes the difference between how a fat person’s metabolism operates and how a thin person’s operates. In essence a thin person and a fat person could eat the same meals for a week and the thin person would not gain weight while the fat one would.
Fat people often have abnormally low metabolisms and this means they have problems burning food as fuel. When it is not burned the excess is converted into fat. To correct this you need to embark on a healthy diet.
Yet another factor that plays into weight gain is that people with abnormally low metabolism are always hungry. The pain of their cravings is very physical and very real. The reason fat people crave food is because they do not feel full after eating. It is because their body is not using the nutrients in the food to nourish them. It is not uncommon for overweight people to become immediately hungry after eating even a very large meal!
Another very real cause of being overweight is emotional overeating. This is the tendency to “eat your anger.” Evolutionary biologists describe this as the need to “bite into something” when we are angry or stressed as that is exactly what are cave man ancestors did.
Food can also take the place of approval, love or sex or even a parent’s love. People who are overeating for these reasons are often very miserable when they go on a diet because they associate food with love and feel deprived with love once the diet requires them to restrict their calories.
The idea is to adopt a non-acidic diet so that you are free of these cravings, which can become a vicious circle. Eating a non-alkaline diet will put you back in control of these cravings. It is a very freeing experience that puts you backs in control when it comes to choosing to eat what you want and when you want. You also won’t overeat because you will always feel nourished and being properly nourished is absolutely key to stopping those hunger pangs that can lead to weight gain in the first place.
Why High Protein Diets Don’t Work?
It has been known for decades that a high protein low carbohydrate diet is bad for you yet this type of diet is still being pushed as an answer to our weight loss woes. The problem with high protein low carbohydrate diets is that they advocate taking entering a state of ketosis to help hasten weight loss. This forces the kidneys to accumulate waste in a way that is not healthy for you.
The first of this type of diet was the Atkins diet, which has been around since the 1970s. It is based on the principle of ketosis. Originally it was called The Stillman Diet. Dr. Stillman found out, through his research, that feeding the body more protein could induce weight loss then it was equipped to handle. This would trick the body into releasing fat through the urine. This does cause weight loss but it also painfully strains the kidneys which produce small amounts of brown urine when under this type of high-protein duress.
The Atkins diet was based on Dr. Stillman’s research from the late 1960s. Major corporations started marketing products with the Atkins brand on them – powders, supplements and books. The problem is that the people running this marketing organization did not believe in the product and they knew it did not work.
To top it off, ketosis is not the greatest state for your body to be in. Ketosis is an abnormal body process that occurs during starvation due to lack of carbohydrates. Ketosis causes fatigue, constipation, nausea, and vomiting, none of which are part of a healthy lifestyle. Long-term side effects of ketosis that have been well documented include heart disease, bone loss, and kidney damage.
A nutritional analysis of the Atkins diet by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine concluded that this diet was much too high in saturated fat and cholesterol and much too pathetically low in fiber to be healthy for anyone. The lack of fruits and vegetables and carbs in the diet can leave the person dangerously deficient in seven key vitamins and minerals including calcium, iron, vitamin C, vitamin A, foliate, vitamin B12, and thiamine.
The problem is that eating too much protein in the form of meat means including more toxic, artery clogging fat in your body. The excess protein also stresses every organ in your body including the kidneys, intestines and liver. Eating fat is okay as long as it is healthy unsaturated fat.
The result is that you get thinner but only for a short while. This type of diet, as trendy as it is in one of its newest incarnations – the South Beach Diet – is just not that healthy for you.
Calorie Deprivation Diets Don’t Work
Almost all diets are based on calorie restriction one way or another. These diets simply do not work because they cause they are based on self-denial. Sooner later we give in to temptation, as it is human nature to simply crave variety when it comes to food. It is also too much of a punishment to be denied food as well as it is a natural urge to fill our bellies.
Psychologically and physically it is too hard on us as humans to stay hungry or not eat enough. We punish ourselves by not eating enough fat or calories or just a single food. This can cause psychological problems and compulsive behaviors like bulimia or anorexia.
The worst diets for you nutritionally are the ones that force you to eat a single food only. A good example of was the Cabbage Soup Diet. We were led to believe that eating some magically fat burning combination of cabbages, V8 juice and Lipton Onion Soup Mix combined with eating only bananas one day or only drinking milk another would lead to weight loss.
This is a great example of a diet that is based completely on calorie deprivation – about 800 to 1000 calories a day. Starvation leads to rebound weight gain even if you lose a bit of weight at first on this type of diet. This is because after denying yourself of the fats, oils and carbs that you crave all day you tend to binge on them even more.
Another good example is the classic Grapefruit Diet, which is largely all meat, no carbs, grapefruit and black coffee. It is also a diet that is below 1000 calories a day. Any diet that is that low in calories is bound to be ineffective and it can also make you very sick. All humans need a variety of foods to function properly.
Think Weight Watchers it the healthy way to go? It isn’t. The problem with the Weight Watcher's Program is that you are still limited in calories and that the foods that you are allowed to eat or given to eat are often very acidic in nature. The result is that your body becomes more vulnerable to disease in general because the body is more prone to losing weight and staying healthy if it is in an alkaline state. The prepackaged food involved with Weight Watchers is not that healthy either.
To keep your body in an alkaline state you need to eat in a healthy way that includes the consumption of organic vegetables and juices. Find a diet that is vegetarian or based on the European food pyramid and you will be much healthier.
Can a Weight Loss Program Make You Fat?
There are hundreds of special diets being sold to Americans right now and many of them have the negative effect of making you fatter as opposed to slimmer. There is the blood type diet, the high protein diet, the raw food diet, the low fat diet, the low-carb diet, the low sodium diet, the high fiber diet, the low calorie diet, and the cabbage soup diet, the grapefruit diet, the South Beach diet, the Atkins diet, the Slim Fast Diet and many more. The problem is that not a single one of these diets is healthy for you in the long run and may even cause you to gain even more weight than ever.
The reason these diets are not healthy for you is that they do not reset the hypothamulus. This organ produces hormones that help control your weight. This dooms you to just get fatter and fatter. None of them cures hunger. In fact they just leave you feeling hungrier because many are based on calorie deprivation. Only a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise and full nutritious meals can help reset the hypothamulus.
Most importantly, no matter how much weight you may lose doing these programs, none of them get your body to release stubborn fat deposits.
Counting calories is the not the answer! In other countries people eat way more calories than Americans and still manage to stay slim. Depriving oneself of calories not only makes you sick but it makes you fall off the diet all together.
Throughout the world people eat lots of carbs, tons of salt, drink beer, wine, and other alcohol, eat ice cream and other deserts, have bread and still remain skinny. Nobody drinks diet sodas. Nobody eats low fat food only. They eat all they want and do not gain weight.
How are they able to do this? The answer is that the food is produced differently than in America. In America, for example, beef is injected with bovine growth hormone and loaded with antibiotics and other drugs. The beef is fed genetically modified, chemically produced grain and ground up dead animals. This is a toxic stew that you consume full of chemicals, hormones and drugs. It is not the actual beef that makes you fat. It is the additives.
The problem with beef in the U.S. is just one example of what is wrong with American diets. Eating naturally, organically and with an eye to reading the label on foods is the better part of a sensible and effective natural weight loss plan.
How Dieting Can Make You Unhealthy?
Dieting to lose weight is simply not the way to go if you want to maintain your health and it is especially not the way to go if you are trying to recover from an illness. You can do yourself more harm than good if you put yourself on any kind of calorie restricted food regimen.
First off the very nature of being on a diet is that you are deprived of the calories and nutrition that you would normally be taking in if you were not overweight. This means that you are running your brain and body on less fuel than usual. The result is that you can expect your physique to be a little less efficient because you simply are “running on empty.”
When your body is “running on empty” there are a number of consequences. First of all you may feel quite tired and like you can’t get through the day. This is especially true if you also quit fattening caffeinated drinks like coke and coffee as well. Many people also feel foggy and dull and like they can’t focus. This is because their brain may not be getting the sugar that it is used to in order to function. The result of being deprived caffeine and sugar is withdrawal. Many people become moody and cranky. This side effect of dieting can become so bad that some have to leave work or feel that they cannot get out of bed in the morning.
Yet another consequence of the food deprivation associated with dieting is a lowered immune system. You may simply be more vulnerable to catching a virus because your body does not have the energy it needs to fight problems off. If you are already sick then dieting is not a good idea. Although some diets are cleansing they should only be used for the short term and under a doctor’s strict supervision. Diets that restrict what kind of foods you eat are also not a good idea if you are recovering from an illness as the vitamins and minerals that you will need to heal are found across a broad spectrum of foods.
Ironically dieting can also cause weight gain simply because food deprivation gives your body the message that there is a food shortage. Your brain tells your body to pile on the fat and save it in reserves so that you can live on it despite the lack of food resources.
The Problem With Low Fat Diets
They are not as popular as they used to be because we now know more about eating good fat, but there are still some diet gurus out there pushing low fat and even no fat diets. The problem with this approach to weight loss is that our bodies do absolutely need fats of all kinds to survive.
Low fat diets have been promoted in the past by Weight Watchers, the American Heart Association, the American Diabetes Association and Dean Ornish’s program. The problem is that these low fat diets simply don’t work in the long term. They only work for as long as you are on them and then you gain all of the weight that you have lost back.
The bottom line is that you need some fats in your diet, especially the healthy fats. Even if you are on a completely vegetarian diet you still need these fats as eating too many carbohydrates will make your body acidic.
Without the right types of fats, you can have bacteria, yeasts and molds multiplying in your body. Your body tissues become dry. Blood will not move through your veins and cholesterol and arterial plaque are more likely to stick to your artery walls. Yet another consequence of not eating enough fat is constipation. You simply will not eliminate as easily. Even your lung capacity can be compromised because your body needs some fat to create mucus.
Without the right amounts of fats and oils your brain does not function as well either. You simply do not think straight. Your brain cannot be dehydrated or deprived of fats or you could start thinking and behaving in neurotic or psychotic ways.
In essence vegetarian diets contain many acidic carbs, which ferment and lead to sugar intolerance, pre-diabetes and eventually diabetes. Eating too much acidic food can also stress your adrenal glands and make you feel tired. This is why if you are going to go for an all natural vegetarian diet you need to make sure it contains some healthy fats and oils as well. Olive oil and avocadoes are examples of healthy oils that can help optimize your overall health.
Diets without fats are also very hard to stick to as a full time eatng program.. This is because food without any oil or butter simply tastes very bland. Cakes and sweets made without any kind of fat are also not very tasty. The good taste created by fats is called “mouth feel” and is simply more satisfying to the human palate. The reason that people can’t stick to those fat free diets in the first place is because food that is fat free simply does not taste that great.
Why Most Diets Don’t Work?
If you are looking for a way to lose weight fast then you are usually looking at an unhealthy diet. These include any diets that promise that you will lose fifteen pounds in three days, fifteen pounds in a week or even fifteen pounds in a month! To stay healthy you should not be losing any more than ten pounds a month.
You are also likely not able to stay healthy sticking to any diet that claims to be no fat, low carb, high protein, or that consists only eating grapefruit or cabbage. You should also avoid any diet that involves taking a lot of pills or chemicals or making your body more acidic in nature.
Following most fad diet plans will eventually achieve the opposite of what you want. You will gain unwanted weight, as your body desperately protects itself from acidity caused by these diets by piling on the fat. The only true and lasting solution to being overweight is to change your eating habits so that your blood is at a healthy alkaline pH level at all times. This will help you stay fit, eliminate toxins and make the most of any exercising.
Weight-loss advice comes in many guises. Most often the “new” and “revolutionary” diets are really old fad diets making a comeback. For instance the high protein low carbohydrate is as old as the original Aitkin’s diet, which was first introduced to the public in the 1970s. Even though it’s an antique concept in dieting it is still often marketed as the “latest thing.” The South Beach Diet is just the Aitkin’s diet repackaged to us again.
You also know you are dealing with a fad diet if the diet claims to recommend only a few foods or ban a specific food or food group. A good example is the cabbage soup diet where you eat only bananas one day and glasses of milk the next. Another good example is the watermelon diet or the grapefruit diet which involves consuming one food alone. You can’t live on one food all day and expect to stay healthy.
The truth behind weight gain in this society is that people are eating more total calories and getting less physical activity. Your body simply doesn’t distinguish between types of calories when it comes to weight gain only the number of calories that you consume.
Fad and crash diets are not only unhealthy but they are also cause rebound weight gain. Also most diets cause an initial weight loss but the ultimate result is that you gain all of the weight back the minute you go off the plan. If you don't gain it back within a couple of days, you are likely to gain it all back plus a bit more within a year.
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