Most people have tried one diet or another and just can't seem to find one that works, or one that maintains their results. There are many different reasons why this occurs and I'm going to give you my top 10 tips to getting (and keeping) that weight off!
#1) Avoid Fad Diets!
Every time you turn around, there is a new diet being marketed that promises you extreme amounts of weight loss in very short periods of time. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! Crash diets and losing extreme amounts of weight in short periods of time is not only unsustainable, but unhealthy! The average weight loss is 2 lbs per week, so be patient, get on track the right way and your body will lose the weight (and keep it off) as it naturally should. To get that balance in your life and to start you on the way to healthy weight loss, complete your personal profile in the 5 key areas of health:, Vitamins, Exercise, Attitude and Sleep.
Weight loss for women
If you live well, you will never have to diet a day in your life (hard to believe, but true!)
#2) Supplementation
When it comes to supplementation, the key is making sure our body has the nutrients it needs! Oftentimes, we find we are doing all the right things, but just can't seem to shed the pounds. If you're going to take on a new exercise program or weight loss plan, make sure you're giving your body everything it needs. If you're deficient in any vitamins or nutrients, it could be working against you. For example, if you're low in B vitamins, this could be contributing to fatigue and to making your workouts a challenge. Or, if you're lacking joint support, joint pain can make your workouts painful or even impossible.
Other times, your metabolism may have slowed to a crawl and could use a little help getting back on track.
We want to make sure we use proper supplements to keep our body healthy so that they can naturally assist us in reaching our health and fitness goals.
Try some of my favorite supplements: Pure Inspirations - Foundation for a Better Life!
#3) It's okay to cheat, sometimes!
We all have our little treats that we enjoy and the goal of weight loss is not to miss out on the things you love. Life is all about balance. Often, when we restrict ourselves so severely, we fall off the wagon and we fall hard! Instead of having one small bite of chocolate, or a few pieces of your favorite candy, you end up eating the entire chocolate bar with a whole bag of candy followed by ice cream for dessert. This is not going to help your weight loss goals! As long as you eat well 80% of the time, you're doing well! Allow yourself that treat every now and then and avoid those unhealthy binges.
#4) Exercise: It's more than just cardio!
Many people assume that weight loss is all about cardio, especially women, who are terrified to "bulk up" when they lift weights. It's actually quite difficult to build large amounts of muscle, but you do need some! Muscle burns fat and boosts the metabolism. So, if you want to lose weight, you need to mix weight training with cardio for the best results.
#5) Nutrition
Many people think that losing weight means they have to cut out an entire food group. This is definitely false! You want to make sure all of the meals are hormonally balanced with the perfect ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in EVERY meal. Our bodies NEED those nutrients for a reason so if anyone tells you to cut them out, be skeptical! Your body relies on these nutrients to function and as long as you are eating them in the right proportions, then you don't have to be concerned!
#6) Manage Stress
Have you ever noticed that you seem to gain weight when you're stressed? It's not all in your mind or in the treats that you reach for when you're feeling overwhelmed (although emotional eating will definitely work against your weight loss goals!).
When we're stressed, we release an excessive amount of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol actually causes our body to pack on the pounds and it sends it right to the midsection! So, be sure to manage your stress accordingly!
#7) Drink, Drink, Drink
Often we mistake thirst for hunger! And, what our body really needs is water, but we find ourselves reaching for food instead. Hydration is key! Chronic dehydration can trigger misleading hunger cues and food cravings as the body turns to food to satiate its need for water.
Additionally, dehydration can make us feel fatigued, give us headaches or cause our energy levels to crash, making us think we need food or sugar, and then we pair that with a coffee to get that energy kick. So, be sure to keep hydrated and avoid unnecessary calories!
#8) Make wise drink choices!
I prefer to consume my calories from food rather than from drinks! Juice and alcoholic beverages are full of unneeded sugar and calories, not to mention additives, chemicals and aspartame, which our bodies really don't need. So, make smart choices when it comes to what you drink. If you have a glass of juice, make sure it is 100% natural with no sugar added and count that as one fruit consumed that day. Even though it's a natural sugar, it's still sugar and can cause a spike in your blood sugar levels and excess sugar can be stored as fat. Same goes for wine, so just be wise when making your drink choices.
#9) Eating fat won't make you fat!
Often, people think that eating fat will make them fat. This couldn't be further from the truth! As mentioned above, our bodies need fat, but the right KIND of fat. Eating healthy fats, such as avocados or olive oil, is actually good for you and will NOT contribute to weight gain when eaten in the right proportions.
#10) Stay motivated!
Don't let setbacks or slip-ups discourage you from Weight Loss/Fat Loss and cause you to give up! We all make mistakes, so be patient and realistic with your goals and expectations. And, keep at it, no matter what setbacks you face.
Dedicated To Your Success