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News on Healthy Weight - Yogurt Helps Women Stay Shapely
A healthy supplement similar to the acidophilus used in yogurt has been found in a Canadian study to help overweight women to lose weight and keep it off. Known as "probiotics", these healthy bacteria in the intestine are "pro" or beneficial to the health of the body. They stimulate the immune system to be stronger, keep the stomach and bowels healthy, and help urinary health. In addition, a 2006 Stanford University study found that obese people have different gut bacteria than normal-weighted people -- a first indication that gut bacteria can play a role in overall weight.
The Stanford University research has now spurred a new study, done by a team of researchers at the University of Laval in Quebec Canada. Headed by Professor Angelo Tremblay, the researchers sought to confirm the premise that consuming probiotics could help reset the balance of intestinal flora in favor of those that promote a healthy weight. It may be that a diet high in fat and low in fiber leads to certain bacteria flourishing at the expense of others. They recruited 125 overweight people to test this theory.
During the first 12-week period of the Canadian study, the subjects underwent a weight-loss diet. This was followed by a 12-week period aimed at maintaining their body weight. Throughout the entire 24 weeks, half of the subjects took two pills daily containing probiotics, while the other half received placebos. After the 12-week dieting period, there was an average weight loss of 8.8 pounds in the women in the probiotics group and 5.7 pounds for women in the placebo group.
The interesting difference is that at the end of the 12-week maintenance period, the weight of the women in the placebo group stayed the same, but the women in the probiotics group continued to lose weight - a total of 11.5 pounds per person. Upon testing, these women demonstrated having a drop in an appetite-regulating hormone, as well as less of the intestinal bacteria related to obesity.
10 Powerful Ways to Destress and Lose Weight
One thing that comes up repeatedly when studying weight loss is the fact that while we live in a modern world, we do not live in modern bodies. Our bodies have changed little in the past 30,000 years, and many of the ways our hormones respond to things like hunger and stress are adapted to a lifestyle far, far less sedentary than the one we are living today. Due to the way our lifestyle has outpaced our bodies' ability to evolve, many of the "right" signals sent by our brains have the "wrong" result-rather than aiding in our survival, they can increase our risk of illness and death by promoting weight gain.
The hormone cortisol is one such example of this phenomenon. Studies are increasingly demonstrating that this hormone, which is released when you are under stress, contributes to weight gain and obesity today in a way it would not have in prehistoric times.
When you are under stress, your brain calls on cortisol to provide you with 'emergency' energy by tapping into the body's fat stores, moving them to the abdomen, and providing the body with protein for energy production. This occurs through the process of converting amino acids into glucose in the liver called gluconeogenesis. It also matures fat cells, and prompts the brain to crave more 'high energy' foods, such as sugars and fats, something which may cause your tendency to reach for "comfort foods" when upset.
Why does your brain send these signals? During prehistoric times, being under stress used to necessitate a lot more physical activity, and therefore required a lot more energy, than it does today. Those early stressors would have largely been due to events like running from a predator, being low on food and having to hunt and forage for long hours, or having one's shelter destroyed and having to build a new one-not having to pay the cell phone bill, or being late to an appointment due to rush hour traffic. Therefore, the body is trained to release its stores of energy and crave more of what produces energy when it is under stress, as it assumes a physical threat needs to be addressed.
This can be a real hurdle to those of you looking to lose weight, due to the fact that it's very hard to fight your basic instincts. Additionally, because of our current lifestyle, there is also no way to stop stress from entering our lives. However, all is not lost. If we learn to regulate and limit our body's production of cortisol, we can reduce our risk of disease and lose weight. Before you embark on reducing stress in your life, make sure that eating a healthy diet tops the list of things to employ.
Try these 10 helpful tips to reduce stress (cortisol levels) and lose weight:
1. Eliminate caffeine (or at least greatly reduce it).
Drinking caffeine causes a spike in cortisol levels, likely due to the fact that it raises your adrenaline levels and your heart rate, much like stress does.
2. Eliminate processed foods.
Ah, there are so many reasons to do this, aren't there? In addition to all the other issues processed foods can cause, they also raise your cortisol levels. Sugars and simple carbohydrates are the worst offenders. Eat a healthy diet enriched with vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
3. Drink plenty of water.
Dehydration can cause a rise in cortisol levels, which can develop into a dangerous cycle, as those who are stressed are also more prone to dehydration.
4. Exercise.
This one is just logical, isn't it? If your body is giving you energy because it's expecting you will need to do physical activity, burn off that energy by doing physical activity. Try a relaxing exercise, such as yoga, and get a double benefit by also lowering your heart rate. Another great way to reduce stress is by walking. It's also a fun way to walk away the pounds.
5. Listen to some music.
Music has been shown to reduce cortisol levels in patients about to undergo surgery, and it raises levels of serotonin in the brain, too. Select your favorite music and relax.
6. Laugh.
Laughter greatly curbs your body's production of cortisol. If you're feeling stressed, unwind with a good comedy, or joke around with friends. It will take the weight of the world right off your shoulders, and off your belly.
7. Meditate.
This age-old stress reducer activates the Vagus nerve, which triggers your body to lower cortisol levels. Try meditating for 30 minutes a day, at least three times a week, and see if you don't feel a difference in your ability to handle stress.
8. Get your 8 hours.
Sleep deprivation has been proven to cause weight gain, and once again cortisol comes into play. Not getting enough sleep causes the body to produce more cortisol, and it's another "vicious cycle" type of situation, because stress keeps us up at night. Exercise, chamomile tea, and natural sleep aids can all go a long way towards helping you get your rest.
9. Spend some quality time with your pets.
There's a reason animals are used as a form of therapy-your furry friends can raise your endorphins and lower your cortisol levels in no time.
10. Get creative.
Whether your passion is art, music, writing, or something else altogether, creative expression releases endorphins while activating the parasympathetic nervous system and lowering your heart rate. This in turn lowers cortisol levels, all while adding beauty to your life and boosting your confidence.
All You Need to Know About Fat Burning Foods
Obesity rates are at an all-time high. More than one third of all American adults are now obese or severely overweight. Even worse, the number of children who are overweight also make up more than one third. The consequences of this are too many to count. Diabetes, heart problems, joint problems, and constant fatigue, are some of the problems that can and does arise from carrying around too much fat. Because of this, people from all the way high up in the political office all the way down to teachers and parents are scrambling to figure out a way to solve this epidemic. There's no doubt that people just simply aren't moving their bodies enough. Combine that will all of the fast food and you got a recipe for disaster!
There are ways to solve this though. Maybe not on a national level, at least not for now, but on an individual level. People can change the way they live their life and they do so every day. There is an endless amount of different diets, fads, workout programs, and even fat loss pills that people try out every day. Some work and some don't. There is no doubt that there is a huge industry surrounding weight loss, and a lot of big players are making a lot of money off of people's ignorance. So it's not that surprising that there is a heck of a lot of scepticism surrounding weight loss and what works.
What's exciting is that there is a "new" way to lose weight that does work. Does it erase the need for exercise? No. Does it make it possible to lose weight while chugging down three Big Mac's? No. But it does make the process of losing weight a whole lot quicker and simpler. To make matters even better, it doesn't really require much of a lifestyle change. What we're talking about here are so-called fat burning foods. A few quick changes to what's inside your refrigerator and you can start losing weight immediately just by eating these foods that carry that unique quality that boosts your metabolism. However, that is just one side of the equation. You also need to make sure to get rid of the foods that are hindering your body from burning fat. And you would probably be surprised to find out which food it is. Many of them are what many of us would consider to be healthy and nutritious.
Eating certain foods while staying away from certain others will let your body burn off fat a lot quicker. It's because of this simplicity that this fat burning method is picking up steam and becoming more popular. Users of this method report amazing results after just a few weeks. Many experts have come around as well, from initially rejecting it to now fully embracing it and teaching it to others.
Are you prepared to reject a lot of what you have been taught up until now about the body and how it works, and what is and isn't required of you if you want to lose weight? You will have to start rejecting a lot of the conventional wisdom that's out there, and there's no doubt that you will be going against the grain a lot of the time.
Imagine how sweet it would be if your body could look great in time for this next summer, instead of the one the year after that? Wouldn't it be great to start seeing your body fat percentage drop in a matter of days? Perhaps it is at least worth looking into it a bit more? This is not a fad or some "quick fix" method to losing weight, but one that actually works when incorporated into your lifestyle.
Do You Have Trouble Losing Weight?
A lot of people find it hard to lose weight. It seems that no matter what diet they try, it doesn't work, even though that diet works for others. There are many reasons for this but there is one factor that can break any weight loss program.
Inflammation is the villain. Not the inflammation that you experience with a scraped knee or a sprained ankle; this type of inflammation is an important part of the healing process. I'm talking about general body, "silent" inflammation - killer inflammation. Silent inflammation is destructive and at the core of many serious illnesses, including heart disease, stroke and autoimmune disease.
Silent Inflammation also affects important weight-regulating hormones. You have two main appetite regulation hormones, Ghrelin and Leptin. Ghrelin tells your brain when you are hungry and you need to eat. Leptin lets your brain know when you're full. But if your brain doesn't get the "I'm full" signal from Leptin, you will want to eat and eat. No matter what diet you try, it isn't going to work because you're never satisfied.
So how does this relate to inflammation? One of the most important inflammatory related substances in the body is hsCRP, or high sensitivity C-reactive protein. C-reactive protein is produced in the liver and the more inflamed you are, the more hsCRP the liver will make. The hsCRP attaches to Leptin, binding it up so that the Leptin can't cross the blood / brain barrier to tell your brain you are full. You are now "leptin resistant" and will have a harder time feeling full and satisfied after eating.
If you want to lower your hsCRP and "unbind" the Leptin, you must decrease your inflammation level. How do you do this?
- Cut the carbs - Sugar, especially high fructose corn syrup, and starch, especially refined grains and white potatoes are inflammatory foods. Avoid all of these for now to give your body a rest.
- Reduce stress - Emotional, mental and physical stress can all raise your hsCRP. Over-exercising is very hard on the body. I recommend Burst Training or moderate weight lifting rather than intense prolonged exercise
- Get enough sleep - Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep. Teens need 8-10
- Support your adrenal glands - Reducing stress is important for this. There are also helpful herbal and nutritional supplements.
- Keep your insulin under control - Excess insulin is very inflammatory. Don't skip meals, avoid overeating, include adequate healthy proteins and fats - from grass fed meats and wild caught fish in your diet, and cut the refined and simple starches and sugars
- Take nutritional and herbal supplements to cool the inflammation. Turmeric, boswelia, resveratrol, garlic, ginger and cinnamon are among the helpful herbs.
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Are These Carbohydrates Sabotaging Your Weight Loss?
Tired of shrinking clothes?
Do you wake up tired?
According to the CDC, 69% of American adults over the age of 20 are overweight! It's not just your health that's affected by being overweight. Your quality of life suffers as well.
We have become a sedentary society with poor eating habits. Surprisingly, even active adults have difficulty losing weight.
Why is this the case?
Poor dietary habits or following incorrect dietary advice. In this quick fix society we chase the path of least resistance. This makes you particularly prone to fad diets or the latest weight loss "guru".
If you want lasting weight loss success, you need to ditch the low-calorie, low carbohydrate diets. These diets will produce some weight loss initially, but the weight loss will be short-lived as your body adapts to a lower caloric intake by lowering your resting metabolic rate. Now your body will burn fewer calories at rest and you have to spend more time working out or further lower your caloric intake to keep the weight off.
In today's article we are going to discuss the value of carbohydrates in your diet and what "quality" carbohydrates to include in your diet.
Let's start our discussion with what carbohydrates you should avoid so that you can maximize your weight loss.
Over processed, refined carbohydrates: These carbohydrates include:
- pastas
- bagels
- breads
- cereals
- rice
- sodas, juices, candies, etc.
Avoid most products listed as whole grain. Refined flour is the first ingredient listed in a lot of these whole grain products. This refined flour will still spike your blood sugar and create an insulin surge. A bodily reaction that is counter to weight loss.
What happens if you keep eating these processed carbohydrates?
A higher incidence of diabetes. Ask 25.8 million diabetic Americans about their diets and you can bet that their diets include a lot of processed carbohydrates.
If you are struggling to lose weight, despite spending hours and hours each week in the gym, then make these dietary changes to see lasting success.
- Focus your carbohydrate intake on whole foods, especially vegetables. Combine this with a high protein diet (especially grass-fed meats and range free eggs and dairy), and watch the weight drop off.
- What are bran and germ? These are the healthiest parts of a grain. If you are going to eat grains at all, then focus on only these two portions of grains as a part of your diet. However, the bulk of your carbohydrate intake should include whole vegetables, dark-skinned fruits and berries. Avoid the lure of fruit juices. They have had the valuable fiber removed as well as other beneficial nutrients.
- Healthy fats are a great way to replace processed carbohydrates in your diet. These healthy fats include grass-fed meats and dairy, avocados, walnuts, cashews, brazil nuts and almond butter. Peanuts are actually the least nutritious nut, so eat these in moderation. These healthy fats and proteins will do a better job of satisfying your hunger while keeping blood sugar and insulin levels in check.
Try eliminating, or at least limiting, your processed carbohydrate intake and watch how quickly that lean, healthy physique appears and your energy levels soar.
8 Best Natural Ways You Can Use To Lose Weight
Losing weight has been very problematic for a lot of people in the sense that they have spent a lot of money on getting fitness machines as well as weight loss supplements. Also most of their time seems to be wasted. Many of these dieters thought that it would be very difficult to fight obesity. I want to let them know that it is not true but they need a lot of patience to achieve this. They should know that increase in body fat is a gradual process and to burn it will take some time to achieve. Therefore, the main purpose of this article is to tell you eight natural ways to lose weight within one month.
Don't miss your morning food: Make sure that you have your breakfast with high fiber foods or the meals that are low in fat. You should always let fruits and raisins to be part of your breakfast. As research has shown that eating this type of food in the morning prevents you from overeating.
Always add spice to your diet: Make sure that you add spice like horseradish, ginger, cinnamon, cayenne and mustard to your food. As any of these has been proven scientifically to increase body metabolism which helps in making you lose weight fast.
Drink lots of water: Let the drinking of eight glasses of water every day be part and parcel of your diet program. As this will aid your digestion rate and give you good hydration. With this, your food craving will be reduced to the minimum level.
Eat lots of seaweed: It has been proven that sluggish thyroid gland can make you gain weight. Therefore, to prevent your thyroid from this, make sure you eat seaweed which is very high in iodine to prevent your thyroid from being sluggish.
Take a cup of green tea after every meal: Green tea can help you to lose weight perfectly by converting your body fat to energy. This is because green tea contains caffeine and antioxidant.
Eat Nut and Seed: Always eat mega-3 fatty acids foods like fish, nuts, and seeds. As all these will give you more energy.
Have enough Sleep: Make sure you don't always deny yourself of good and deep sleep. That is, you should have at least 6 or 7 hours of deep sleep. As it has been proven that sleeping helps in converting body fat to energy.
Eat A Lot Of Dairy Foods: If you are looking forward to losing weight, make sure you eat dairy foods like yoghurt or milk in combination with calcium foods. As this can help you to relax.
How to Lose Weight and Burn Belly Fat Fast
To lose weight and to burn belly fat can be difficult many of us.
The problem is that supplements and diet pills do not last, since your
body adapts to the change and leaves you without any lasting results.
Also, a lot of individuals tend to focus just on one thing when they try and lose weight. They may focus on only one type of food or only one type of exercises or just making one change to their eating habits.
But anyone who wants to achieve lasting results should make changes in all of the above. Your weight loss efforts will be in vain if you exercise like mad, but at the same time you don't change your eating habits.
Likewise, if you eat right but neglect to do some form of exercises you will not achieve the ultimate results that most of us are looking for.
For starters you should change to a more healthy lifestyle altogether. Include as many fat burning foods into your diet to accelerate weight loss and to burn fat. Fat burning foods are foods that will assist your body to burn more calories than the calorie content of the food itself.
Foods rich in protein, vitamin C and fibre falls into this category and includes: grapefruits, oranges, pineapple, almonds, brussel sprouts, cherries, eggs, cottage cheese, lean chicken etc.
As far as exercising goes do not only rely on doing crunches and sit-ups to lose belly fat. You must also include some form of aerobic exercise that will shift your metabolism into a higher gear, to burn up more calories, which will help you to get rid of those unwanted love handles.
By not relying just on one thing to lose weight but by changing your eating habits in combination with doing the right exercises you will burn belly fat fast.
Also, a lot of individuals tend to focus just on one thing when they try and lose weight. They may focus on only one type of food or only one type of exercises or just making one change to their eating habits.
But anyone who wants to achieve lasting results should make changes in all of the above. Your weight loss efforts will be in vain if you exercise like mad, but at the same time you don't change your eating habits.
Likewise, if you eat right but neglect to do some form of exercises you will not achieve the ultimate results that most of us are looking for.
For starters you should change to a more healthy lifestyle altogether. Include as many fat burning foods into your diet to accelerate weight loss and to burn fat. Fat burning foods are foods that will assist your body to burn more calories than the calorie content of the food itself.
Foods rich in protein, vitamin C and fibre falls into this category and includes: grapefruits, oranges, pineapple, almonds, brussel sprouts, cherries, eggs, cottage cheese, lean chicken etc.
As far as exercising goes do not only rely on doing crunches and sit-ups to lose belly fat. You must also include some form of aerobic exercise that will shift your metabolism into a higher gear, to burn up more calories, which will help you to get rid of those unwanted love handles.
By not relying just on one thing to lose weight but by changing your eating habits in combination with doing the right exercises you will burn belly fat fast.
Lose Weight & Burn Belly Fat Home Exercise
20 Simple Ways To Lose Weight
Many of us want to get into shape and lose weight, but between
the insane amount of diet plans out there and everyone telling us do
this, do that, and you will shed the fat and get into the best shape of
your life, we tend to get overwhelmed, frustrated, and we tend to give
up quickly. So, let's start out with 20 simple ways to lose weight.
1. Make goals
Take out two pieces of paper. Write, "One Month Goals," on the first sheet and "One Year Goals" pen the other. Then, for each, jot down ten goals you want to achieve in the first month and for the first year. After you have your list of goals for each, repeat the words, I can and I will, then read your first goal out loud. Keep repeating I can and I will, followed by reading each goal out loud.
2. Stay away from fad diets
Fad diets don't work! I think most of us already know that.
3. Eat 5 to 10 meals per day
Eating 5 to 10 small meals per day increases metabolism and builds muscle quicker. (See Do Resistance Training)
4. Do resistance training
What is meant by resistance training? It means don't just walk for 15 minutes a day and expect to lose weight! Lift weights, use an exercise band, or use a couple of cans of soup, as long as some sort of resistance is used to build muscle. Why? Because muscle burns fat!
5. Drink plenty of water
Consume at least 8 glasses of water every day.
6. Consume plenty of protein
Eat at least as many grams of protein per pound. So, if you weigh 180 lbs., consume at least 180 grams of protein.
7. Cut down the carbs
Don't count every little carb you eat! Be reasonable and make it a point not to eat a half a box of rice with lunch and dinner.
8. Drink a large glass of water with every meal
This will make you feel fuller faster.
9. Don't deprive yourself of sweets
Reward yourself! Have one cookie as a reward and to curb the sweet tooth.
10. Do 10-45 minutes of cardio
Anything that makes you move, do it for 10-45 minutes a day.
11. Plan your workouts
Set a time each day for each workout.
12. Stay off the scale
Weigh yourself once a week at the least.
13. Avoid soda
Everyone knows soda is not the best workout protein drink!
14. Find a partner to encourage yourself
15. Avoid fried foods
Grill or boil your meat.
16. Do cardio in the morning
Do your cardio workout, or one of your cardio workouts, in the morning before breakfast. Your body will use fat for energy, instead of food.
17. Plan your meals
If you go grocery shopping weekly, plan each healthy meal and avoid buying junk food!
18. Take one day off per week
Do not burn yourself out! Set aside one day a week to rest. Keep your diet, but relax and forget about resistance training and cardio for one day!
19. Don't over exercise
Do not attempt to lift weights 3 times a day! Your muscles need rest. Only perform resistance training 3 days a week, taking at least one day off in between workouts.
20. Never give up
Stick with it and you will receive amazing results!
1. Make goals
Take out two pieces of paper. Write, "One Month Goals," on the first sheet and "One Year Goals" pen the other. Then, for each, jot down ten goals you want to achieve in the first month and for the first year. After you have your list of goals for each, repeat the words, I can and I will, then read your first goal out loud. Keep repeating I can and I will, followed by reading each goal out loud.
2. Stay away from fad diets
Fad diets don't work! I think most of us already know that.
3. Eat 5 to 10 meals per day
Eating 5 to 10 small meals per day increases metabolism and builds muscle quicker. (See Do Resistance Training)
4. Do resistance training
What is meant by resistance training? It means don't just walk for 15 minutes a day and expect to lose weight! Lift weights, use an exercise band, or use a couple of cans of soup, as long as some sort of resistance is used to build muscle. Why? Because muscle burns fat!
5. Drink plenty of water
Consume at least 8 glasses of water every day.
6. Consume plenty of protein
Eat at least as many grams of protein per pound. So, if you weigh 180 lbs., consume at least 180 grams of protein.
7. Cut down the carbs
Don't count every little carb you eat! Be reasonable and make it a point not to eat a half a box of rice with lunch and dinner.
8. Drink a large glass of water with every meal
This will make you feel fuller faster.
9. Don't deprive yourself of sweets
Reward yourself! Have one cookie as a reward and to curb the sweet tooth.
10. Do 10-45 minutes of cardio
Anything that makes you move, do it for 10-45 minutes a day.
11. Plan your workouts
Set a time each day for each workout.
12. Stay off the scale
Weigh yourself once a week at the least.
13. Avoid soda
Everyone knows soda is not the best workout protein drink!
14. Find a partner to encourage yourself
15. Avoid fried foods
Grill or boil your meat.
16. Do cardio in the morning
Do your cardio workout, or one of your cardio workouts, in the morning before breakfast. Your body will use fat for energy, instead of food.
17. Plan your meals
If you go grocery shopping weekly, plan each healthy meal and avoid buying junk food!
18. Take one day off per week
Do not burn yourself out! Set aside one day a week to rest. Keep your diet, but relax and forget about resistance training and cardio for one day!
19. Don't over exercise
Do not attempt to lift weights 3 times a day! Your muscles need rest. Only perform resistance training 3 days a week, taking at least one day off in between workouts.
20. Never give up
Stick with it and you will receive amazing results!
5 Amazing Healthy Foods to Lose Weight
Are you looking to lose weight through healthy means? It is
certainly possible to shed pounds by eating healthy, fat burning foods
and implementing simple lifestyle changes. This is the correct path for
long term weight loss success. Many people try to lose weight quickly
through unhealthy methods. Most of the time, they will be unsuccessful
in their attempts. Even if they manage to lose some weight, it is likely
to come back again in a short period of time.
Did you know that there are certain foods which can help you to lose more than 2 pounds in a week? You just need to include these foods in your diet. They help in weight loss by curbing your appetite and also assisting in fat burning. Let us see some of these super-foods below.
1. Walnuts - According to Joe Vinson from the University of Scranton, walnuts contain almost twice the amount of antioxidants when compared to other nuts. They rank higher than almonds, pistachios and other nuts. They are also low in cholesterol. You can add a few walnuts to your salad to add more crunch and taste to it. However, you have to keep in mind to eat walnuts in moderation as they are high calorie food.
2. Spinach - This food is rich in fiber, vitamin K and A, water, antioxidants, minerals like potassium, iron and magnesium. If you eat just one handful of spinach, it can make you feel full very quickly, curbing your appetite and food cravings. Spinach also helps in cleaning the digestive tract and getting rid of constipation problem.
3. Beetroot - This amazing food helps in detoxification of the blood and aids in renewing the blood with minerals and natural sugars. Beets are low in calories yet high in nutrients like potassium, folic acid and fiber. The leaves of beetroot are also edible and are rich in protein, calcium, vitamin A and C and beta-carotene. Drinking a glass of beetroot juice aids in improving your stamina allowing you to exercise more and burn more calories.
4. Cinnamon - This is another excellent weight loss food which has got tons of amazing properties. It also has diabetes fighting qualities and promotes better blood circulation. Just consuming 1/2 a teaspoon daily can prevent insulin spikes in your body and also prevent sugar cravings. You can use grounded cinnamon as replacement for sugar in your tea and coffee. It might take a little while to get used to the changed taste but after a while it should feel fine.
5. Tomatoes - Whenever you munch on a piece of tomato, your body releases a hormone called cholecystokinin. This hormone is said to tighten the valve between the stomach and the intestines which will cause us to feel full and make us stop eating sooner. Tomatoes also boost our energy levels, stabilize our blood sugar levels, detoxify our body, and lower the cholesterol. Isn't it time to add more of this super-food to your salad or your daily diet in order to lose weight in a healthy way?
Did you know that there are certain foods which can help you to lose more than 2 pounds in a week? You just need to include these foods in your diet. They help in weight loss by curbing your appetite and also assisting in fat burning. Let us see some of these super-foods below.
1. Walnuts - According to Joe Vinson from the University of Scranton, walnuts contain almost twice the amount of antioxidants when compared to other nuts. They rank higher than almonds, pistachios and other nuts. They are also low in cholesterol. You can add a few walnuts to your salad to add more crunch and taste to it. However, you have to keep in mind to eat walnuts in moderation as they are high calorie food.
2. Spinach - This food is rich in fiber, vitamin K and A, water, antioxidants, minerals like potassium, iron and magnesium. If you eat just one handful of spinach, it can make you feel full very quickly, curbing your appetite and food cravings. Spinach also helps in cleaning the digestive tract and getting rid of constipation problem.
3. Beetroot - This amazing food helps in detoxification of the blood and aids in renewing the blood with minerals and natural sugars. Beets are low in calories yet high in nutrients like potassium, folic acid and fiber. The leaves of beetroot are also edible and are rich in protein, calcium, vitamin A and C and beta-carotene. Drinking a glass of beetroot juice aids in improving your stamina allowing you to exercise more and burn more calories.
4. Cinnamon - This is another excellent weight loss food which has got tons of amazing properties. It also has diabetes fighting qualities and promotes better blood circulation. Just consuming 1/2 a teaspoon daily can prevent insulin spikes in your body and also prevent sugar cravings. You can use grounded cinnamon as replacement for sugar in your tea and coffee. It might take a little while to get used to the changed taste but after a while it should feel fine.
5. Tomatoes - Whenever you munch on a piece of tomato, your body releases a hormone called cholecystokinin. This hormone is said to tighten the valve between the stomach and the intestines which will cause us to feel full and make us stop eating sooner. Tomatoes also boost our energy levels, stabilize our blood sugar levels, detoxify our body, and lower the cholesterol. Isn't it time to add more of this super-food to your salad or your daily diet in order to lose weight in a healthy way?
5 Easy Tips To Drop 10 Pounds Fast!
Everyone seems to want to know how to lose weight fast and
easily. There are a lot of easy ways to do lose weight, and when you see
just how easy they really are, you'll kick yourself for having not
thought of them sooner. Keep reading for 5 easy tips to drop 10 pounds
- Stand, Don't Sit - Whenever possible stand instead of sitting down. You burn more calories standing up than you do sitting and being immobile. If you have a desk job that requires you to sit all day, spend 10 or 15 minutes every hour standing at your desk to do your work. If you're at home folding laundry (which will help you burn calories too), stand to fold instead of sitting on the couch or on the floor.
- Walk More - Take just a couple walks around your neighborhood each week to help you shed those pounds. Also, park toward the back of the parking lot when you're going shopping or going to work because the extra walk to get to the entrance will provide you with more exercise that will help you to get in shape and drop those pounds. Take the stairs before hopping on the elevator or escalator.
- Do a little Dancing - Yes, dancing will burn calories extremely well and help keep you in shape. Turn on the music at home and dance your heart away. You can also use this method of dropping the pounds as an excuse to go out on the weekends to the nearby club and hang out with your friends. The faster you dance, the more calories you will burn and the quicker those pounds will fall away.
- Eat Right - You probably knew it was coming, but if you really want to lose that weight you've got to start eating healthier and cutting out all the sugars and processed foods that aren't doing anything but clogging up your arteries and making your thighs and hips bigger. You need to eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. The really easy and tasty way to do this is to make smoothies. You can combine all kinds of fruits and vegetables and yogurts and low-fat milks and milk substitutes to create some really tasty smoothies. You also need to make sure to eat lean meats and grill or boil before you fry or bake. Eating smaller portions at meals will also help to lose those pounds.
- Take Garcinia Cambogia - This is a weight loss supplement that has the ability to suppress your appetite and block fat from becoming stored in your body. It is being used by thousands of people to successfully lose weight fast, and it has additional health benefits associated with it too. It will help you lose weight, improve your mood and your immune system, and help you sleep better as well as improving a lot of other functions of your body.
What Are You Waiting For?
10 Common Weight Loss Myths
When it comes to dieting and weight loss, there is an overload of
information to be found and sometimes it's hard to separate fact from
myth. I wrote down a few common myths with the explanation why they are
myths, hoping it will make your journey to weight loss a bit less
1. "You have heavy bones"
The average bone mass is between 4.3 and 6.5 lb ( 1.95 - 2.95 kg) for women and between 5.9 and 8.1 lb ( 2.66 - 3.69 kg) for men, showing that there's not a huge difference in bone mass depending on weight or sex. Research has shown that exercise and the development of muscle tissue are related to stronger, healthier bones, meaning that you can actually increase your bone density with strength training.
2. "It's in your genes so you'll probably never lose the weight"
While there is indication that there's a genetic component to overweight and obesity, it is not necessarily the only factor influencing the weight. Remember that while you may inherit the "fat gene", you probably also inherit the eating habits you see at home. By eating sensibly and exercising regularly you can raise your metabolism and beat the "fat gene".
3. "It's all about the calories you consume and burn"
This statement is actually partially true, because to lose weight you do have to burn more calories than you consume. But the source of the calories is just as important. Your body will react differently to 200 calories of ice cream than it will to 200 calories of fresh fruit. First of all the sugar in the ice cream will be absorbed quicker, leaving you craving more food soon after. The fruit will also keep you full longer. So try adding more natural food and reducing the processed foods for more effective weight loss.
4. "If you were overweight as a child you'll always be overweight"
Here too, we have a statement that is partially true, especially if one or both parents are obese. Once again, the child adopts the eating habits of the parents so that is a big factor in the child's weight. By having the parents adopt a healthier lifestyle, the child will follow suit making the chances of obesity as an adult slimmer (pun intended).
5. "Fad diets work for rapid weight loss"
Define "work"... Yes fad diets can make you lose weight quickly, but this weight loss rarely lasts and usually the weight you gain back is more than you initially lost. The problem with most fad diets is that they're not nutritionally adequate, meaning that many times they exclude important nutrients which are necessary for functioning of all the organs. Also the weight lost is usually water weight and muscle mass, not fat. Muscle mass is necessary to burn fat. Less muscle, less fat burning, more weight gain, etc.
6. "Natural or herbal weight loss products are safe and effective"
Just because it says natural or herbal doesn't mean it's safe. Coca and tobacco leaves are also natural... catch my drift? The problem is that these products are not regulated so it is not clear how much is safe and what the possible side effects and or interactions with other medications are. Just to be safe, always consult your physician before using any OTC weight loss product.
7. "Certain foods can help burn fat (like grapefruit, cabbage soup)"
Doesn't that sound wonderful? It's just not true. While certain foods can boost your metabolism like protein, chili peppers or green tea, there are no foods which will actually burn fat. Your body burns fat to use for energy like when exercising and may continue up to 24 hours after exercise depending on the type of exercise you've done.
8. "Skipping meals is a good way to lose weight"
This should actually be number 1. This is the most common mistake made by dieters. Our bodies are built to store fat in case there's a famine, so we can use the reserve for energy. In the modern world we don't know what famine is. We say we're starving after a few hours of having had a complete meal, but that's just hunger we're feeling. So this fat that gets stored never gets used. When you skip meals, your body gets alarmed and starts storing more fat. It doesn't know when the next meal comes, so the fat is added to the fat that's already there. Rather than skipping meals its wiser to eat small meals throughout the day; about 5 or 6. That way your body doesn't feel deprived and doesn't prepare for the famine that never comes.
9. "Lifting weights while trying to lose weight will make you bulk up"
This is a concern especially for women. They don't want to end up looking like the incredible Hulk. Well rest assured, it would take hours of very heavy lifting each day with a specially designed meal plan to become even half that big. Strength training is actually encouraged because by increasing the muscle mass, you increase the fat loss which ultimately is your goal right?
10. "Eating after 8pm will make you gain weight"
This would mean that everyone working the night shift should have weight problems. It's actually not the time of day which will cause the weight gain. Eating a heavy meal right before bedtime (whatever time that is) could disrupt your sleeping pattern though, and lack of sleep can eventually cause weight gain.
1. "You have heavy bones"
The average bone mass is between 4.3 and 6.5 lb ( 1.95 - 2.95 kg) for women and between 5.9 and 8.1 lb ( 2.66 - 3.69 kg) for men, showing that there's not a huge difference in bone mass depending on weight or sex. Research has shown that exercise and the development of muscle tissue are related to stronger, healthier bones, meaning that you can actually increase your bone density with strength training.
2. "It's in your genes so you'll probably never lose the weight"
While there is indication that there's a genetic component to overweight and obesity, it is not necessarily the only factor influencing the weight. Remember that while you may inherit the "fat gene", you probably also inherit the eating habits you see at home. By eating sensibly and exercising regularly you can raise your metabolism and beat the "fat gene".
3. "It's all about the calories you consume and burn"
This statement is actually partially true, because to lose weight you do have to burn more calories than you consume. But the source of the calories is just as important. Your body will react differently to 200 calories of ice cream than it will to 200 calories of fresh fruit. First of all the sugar in the ice cream will be absorbed quicker, leaving you craving more food soon after. The fruit will also keep you full longer. So try adding more natural food and reducing the processed foods for more effective weight loss.
4. "If you were overweight as a child you'll always be overweight"
Here too, we have a statement that is partially true, especially if one or both parents are obese. Once again, the child adopts the eating habits of the parents so that is a big factor in the child's weight. By having the parents adopt a healthier lifestyle, the child will follow suit making the chances of obesity as an adult slimmer (pun intended).
5. "Fad diets work for rapid weight loss"
Define "work"... Yes fad diets can make you lose weight quickly, but this weight loss rarely lasts and usually the weight you gain back is more than you initially lost. The problem with most fad diets is that they're not nutritionally adequate, meaning that many times they exclude important nutrients which are necessary for functioning of all the organs. Also the weight lost is usually water weight and muscle mass, not fat. Muscle mass is necessary to burn fat. Less muscle, less fat burning, more weight gain, etc.
6. "Natural or herbal weight loss products are safe and effective"
Just because it says natural or herbal doesn't mean it's safe. Coca and tobacco leaves are also natural... catch my drift? The problem is that these products are not regulated so it is not clear how much is safe and what the possible side effects and or interactions with other medications are. Just to be safe, always consult your physician before using any OTC weight loss product.
7. "Certain foods can help burn fat (like grapefruit, cabbage soup)"
Doesn't that sound wonderful? It's just not true. While certain foods can boost your metabolism like protein, chili peppers or green tea, there are no foods which will actually burn fat. Your body burns fat to use for energy like when exercising and may continue up to 24 hours after exercise depending on the type of exercise you've done.
8. "Skipping meals is a good way to lose weight"
This should actually be number 1. This is the most common mistake made by dieters. Our bodies are built to store fat in case there's a famine, so we can use the reserve for energy. In the modern world we don't know what famine is. We say we're starving after a few hours of having had a complete meal, but that's just hunger we're feeling. So this fat that gets stored never gets used. When you skip meals, your body gets alarmed and starts storing more fat. It doesn't know when the next meal comes, so the fat is added to the fat that's already there. Rather than skipping meals its wiser to eat small meals throughout the day; about 5 or 6. That way your body doesn't feel deprived and doesn't prepare for the famine that never comes.
9. "Lifting weights while trying to lose weight will make you bulk up"
This is a concern especially for women. They don't want to end up looking like the incredible Hulk. Well rest assured, it would take hours of very heavy lifting each day with a specially designed meal plan to become even half that big. Strength training is actually encouraged because by increasing the muscle mass, you increase the fat loss which ultimately is your goal right?
10. "Eating after 8pm will make you gain weight"
This would mean that everyone working the night shift should have weight problems. It's actually not the time of day which will cause the weight gain. Eating a heavy meal right before bedtime (whatever time that is) could disrupt your sleeping pattern though, and lack of sleep can eventually cause weight gain.
7 Steps to Actually Achieving Life Changing Weight Loss
Many of have tried many different approaches to weight loss. When
asked they start naming all the ones that they have tried and how many
different times they have tried them. Most approaches have all helped a
"little bit" and for a "little while" and then the weight slowly comes
back on, plus a "little more". There is more to it than just cutting
Are most looking for a "magic" program when it comes to weight loss? In many cases, I would say yes! The responsibility of what goes into your mouth for sustenance is governed by your brain and fuel need level. So, every time you try to decrease or change your intake without any guidance, your results vary or you give in and cheat. The outcome is that you feel the diet you have tried does not work and you resume your typical eating and start your search for something new. There are other areas besides your diet that are involved when it comes to losing weight.
Why does this keep happening?
Every part of your body is run by a nutrient. If any of those nutrient levels are low, the body steals from other sources. If you continuously run on alternate sources for prolonged periods, the body starts to rebel just like you would if you were doing your job plus someone else's in an 8 hour day. This causes you to look for quick fixes to compensate for the lack of nutrients. Sugar laden snacks, soda, salty and starchy foods start to creep back into your dietary intake. This is your body telling you to re-fuel. Immediately, this acts like an upper because it is so readily absorbed by your body, however a low quickly onsets and only continues to decline each time you eat processed or junk food. Now your mood, sleep, attitude, stamina level, hair, skin and elimination ability are all affected and this only gets worse as you age and your weight continues to increase. If you continue this cycle, you have a higher risk of being diagnosed with some form of preventable, chronic illness such as diabetes, heart disease or possibly thyroid problems.
To achieve better health, many continuously deal with this yo-yo dieting, hoping that this next one will be unlike all the others. I am here to tell you that weight loss is a challenging, life-altering commitment. It is being willing to look at yourself, your life and lifestyle and changing it for the better. I don't mean just for a few days. It is about the choices you make every single day that are going to affect you for the rest of your life. They are the determining choices that result in a life of medications. There is no, "I'll just have a taste" or a "little bit isn't going to hurt me". In some cases, yes it will. If you are not working towards improving, it is the reason you are suffering in the first place, and it is going to keep you on the hunt for the next best weight loss secret again and again.
You will succeed at losing weight when you creating balance in all facets of your life. Learn as much as possible about the function of your own body. The general diagnosis isn't for everyone. What your body lacks in nutrition is not the same as everyone else in the room. Make it about you. Make it your personal journey. Find out what foods work best with your system. Weight Loss is a Commitment to yourself, for yourself and for your family. Where do you want to go from here?
Here are 7 steps to help you Balance your Life Towards Successful Weight Loss:
Step 1. Look at your daily schedule and prioritize. (one thing at a time)
Step 2. List your daily food and fluid intake. (all things that you eat and drink)
Step 3. List your stressors (people, situations, things, relationships, work)
Step 4. List the things you have carried emotionally for years. (injustices, childhood issues, teen year incidents, sibling rivalry, failures, divorces, job losses, financial choices)
Step 5. List your ailments ( all of them)
Step 6. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are going to take care of you. (and mean it!)
Step 7. Be honest. If you cannot do it alone, get help but be very choosy. Do not accept every offer if they are not concerned with the above list.
Are most looking for a "magic" program when it comes to weight loss? In many cases, I would say yes! The responsibility of what goes into your mouth for sustenance is governed by your brain and fuel need level. So, every time you try to decrease or change your intake without any guidance, your results vary or you give in and cheat. The outcome is that you feel the diet you have tried does not work and you resume your typical eating and start your search for something new. There are other areas besides your diet that are involved when it comes to losing weight.
Why does this keep happening?
Every part of your body is run by a nutrient. If any of those nutrient levels are low, the body steals from other sources. If you continuously run on alternate sources for prolonged periods, the body starts to rebel just like you would if you were doing your job plus someone else's in an 8 hour day. This causes you to look for quick fixes to compensate for the lack of nutrients. Sugar laden snacks, soda, salty and starchy foods start to creep back into your dietary intake. This is your body telling you to re-fuel. Immediately, this acts like an upper because it is so readily absorbed by your body, however a low quickly onsets and only continues to decline each time you eat processed or junk food. Now your mood, sleep, attitude, stamina level, hair, skin and elimination ability are all affected and this only gets worse as you age and your weight continues to increase. If you continue this cycle, you have a higher risk of being diagnosed with some form of preventable, chronic illness such as diabetes, heart disease or possibly thyroid problems.
To achieve better health, many continuously deal with this yo-yo dieting, hoping that this next one will be unlike all the others. I am here to tell you that weight loss is a challenging, life-altering commitment. It is being willing to look at yourself, your life and lifestyle and changing it for the better. I don't mean just for a few days. It is about the choices you make every single day that are going to affect you for the rest of your life. They are the determining choices that result in a life of medications. There is no, "I'll just have a taste" or a "little bit isn't going to hurt me". In some cases, yes it will. If you are not working towards improving, it is the reason you are suffering in the first place, and it is going to keep you on the hunt for the next best weight loss secret again and again.
You will succeed at losing weight when you creating balance in all facets of your life. Learn as much as possible about the function of your own body. The general diagnosis isn't for everyone. What your body lacks in nutrition is not the same as everyone else in the room. Make it about you. Make it your personal journey. Find out what foods work best with your system. Weight Loss is a Commitment to yourself, for yourself and for your family. Where do you want to go from here?
Here are 7 steps to help you Balance your Life Towards Successful Weight Loss:
Step 1. Look at your daily schedule and prioritize. (one thing at a time)
Step 2. List your daily food and fluid intake. (all things that you eat and drink)
Step 3. List your stressors (people, situations, things, relationships, work)
Step 4. List the things you have carried emotionally for years. (injustices, childhood issues, teen year incidents, sibling rivalry, failures, divorces, job losses, financial choices)
Step 5. List your ailments ( all of them)
Step 6. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are going to take care of you. (and mean it!)
Step 7. Be honest. If you cannot do it alone, get help but be very choosy. Do not accept every offer if they are not concerned with the above list.
Successful Weight Loss and the Motivated Mind
Successful weight loss or, more properly, successful fat loss, is
not a matter of calories or exercise. What it takes to successfully
lose weight is a motivated mind. Everything else, from following healthy
nutrition to working out regularly, stems entirely from your mindset.
Now you may be thinking 'But I've wanted to lose weight forever and it's not happening!' That's not a motivated mind - that's wishful thinking or dreaming about success. If your mind was truly motivated to help you lose weight, it would already be happening.
You see, when your mind is truly motivated you focus on your goals in a much more effective way. Simply put, you take action - massive targeted action directly aimed at achieving your weight loss goals. You choose healthier meals, you limit your overall caloric intake and you hit the gym or go for a run each and every day.
You don't have to obsess over it and have it take over every waking minute - in fact, you probably spend more time beating yourself up for being overweight or obese than you need to use to lose weight. If you're truly motivated, your subconscious mind will lead you to the right decisions without even thinking about it most times. You'll eat when your body is hungry, and only eat enough to satisfy that hunger. You'll choose the bottle of water over the soda or fruit juice at lunch. You'll choose healthy complex carbs and green vegetables for supper instead of pasta or pizza. And you'll push yourself that extra few reps in the gym or that extra mile on your runs.
So how do you achieve this motivated mind? Avoid worrying about the past or your current physical condition. Concentrate entirely on your future and who you'll be after the weight loss. Don't accept even the mildest chance that you'll fail to lose the weight you want - know that you'll do whatever it takes to burn all the fat you want to. Cruise through the magazines and online resources to find photos of what you want to look like - especially look for photos of people who have similar features to your own... Hair colour, overall build, etc. If you're handy with photo editing software, even superimpose your face onto some of the digital photos.
Next, put the best of those photos where you'll see them every day... Tape a couple to your bedroom door so you see them first thing every morning and last thing every night. Tape one or two to the bathroom mirror so you see them at various points through the day. And take 2 or 3 of the ones you like best, the strongest and/or sexiest of them, and put them on your refrigerator door so you see them every time you go to open the fridge. Put the rest of the digital photos onto a page and print it out, then put that page and the magazine shots into an album or some type of cover. When you feel your mindset slipping, pull it out and look through them again. In fact, look through them at least once a day and picture yourself in that shape, having achieved your weight loss goals, and visualize how your life will be different then...
You know you'll feel better then, feel better about yourself, have more confidence and have more energy on a daily basis. It's worth putting in the effort to keep a motivated mind working for you through all of this, and letting it guide you to successful weight loss. You deserve to be happier, healthier and more energetic - and your motivated mind is the key!
Now you may be thinking 'But I've wanted to lose weight forever and it's not happening!' That's not a motivated mind - that's wishful thinking or dreaming about success. If your mind was truly motivated to help you lose weight, it would already be happening.
You see, when your mind is truly motivated you focus on your goals in a much more effective way. Simply put, you take action - massive targeted action directly aimed at achieving your weight loss goals. You choose healthier meals, you limit your overall caloric intake and you hit the gym or go for a run each and every day.
You don't have to obsess over it and have it take over every waking minute - in fact, you probably spend more time beating yourself up for being overweight or obese than you need to use to lose weight. If you're truly motivated, your subconscious mind will lead you to the right decisions without even thinking about it most times. You'll eat when your body is hungry, and only eat enough to satisfy that hunger. You'll choose the bottle of water over the soda or fruit juice at lunch. You'll choose healthy complex carbs and green vegetables for supper instead of pasta or pizza. And you'll push yourself that extra few reps in the gym or that extra mile on your runs.
So how do you achieve this motivated mind? Avoid worrying about the past or your current physical condition. Concentrate entirely on your future and who you'll be after the weight loss. Don't accept even the mildest chance that you'll fail to lose the weight you want - know that you'll do whatever it takes to burn all the fat you want to. Cruise through the magazines and online resources to find photos of what you want to look like - especially look for photos of people who have similar features to your own... Hair colour, overall build, etc. If you're handy with photo editing software, even superimpose your face onto some of the digital photos.
Next, put the best of those photos where you'll see them every day... Tape a couple to your bedroom door so you see them first thing every morning and last thing every night. Tape one or two to the bathroom mirror so you see them at various points through the day. And take 2 or 3 of the ones you like best, the strongest and/or sexiest of them, and put them on your refrigerator door so you see them every time you go to open the fridge. Put the rest of the digital photos onto a page and print it out, then put that page and the magazine shots into an album or some type of cover. When you feel your mindset slipping, pull it out and look through them again. In fact, look through them at least once a day and picture yourself in that shape, having achieved your weight loss goals, and visualize how your life will be different then...
You know you'll feel better then, feel better about yourself, have more confidence and have more energy on a daily basis. It's worth putting in the effort to keep a motivated mind working for you through all of this, and letting it guide you to successful weight loss. You deserve to be happier, healthier and more energetic - and your motivated mind is the key!
7 Easy Changes to Lose Weight
If you want to lose weight you don't have to go on some highly restrictive diet regimen to knock off the pounds. You don't need to exercise until you fall down from exhaustion, and you don't need to live on celery sticks and water. You can actually lose weight by just making a few small changes in your everyday life.
Change Your Plate Size
It's a proven fact that if you use a smaller plate instead of a regular dinner plate to eat off of you will lose weight. This is because when you use a smaller plate to eat your meals, you trick your mind into thinking you're eating more because the plate is full when in actuality you're just eating a smaller portion. You will be surprised to find that after doing this a few times, you will be satisfied with the smaller portion that you are eating.
Park Farther Away
When you're going grocery shopping, to work, or anywhere else, park your car toward the back of the lot so you have to walk a further distance to reach your destination. You will burn calories, get a little bit of exercise to get your blood pumping, and lose weight as a result. Obviously, you won't see a lot of weight loss from this method, but combining it with other methods will help to shed those pounds.
Place Fruits in Plain Sight
Instead of buying fruit and shoving it to the back of your fridge, pull the fruits to the front so they're the first thing you see when you open the fridge looking for a snack. You can also place a fruit bowl on your kitchen counter or table filled with bananas, apples, pears, and other fruits where you will see them and be more inclined to grab one for a snack.
Never Skip Breakfast
Skipping breakfast can leave you feeling famished at lunch time causing you to overeat or snack all day. Eating breakfast, even if it's just a banana and a small cup of yogurt, can leave you feeling energized and will keep your metabolism going so you don't become sluggish-feeling and tired halfway through the day.
Drink Lots of Water
You need water to stay hydrated, but drinking water throughout the day can actually stave off hunger. The recommended amount of water you should drink daily is six to eight 8-ounce glasses. If you don't think you can drink that much water, do your best to drink as much as you can.
Increase Your Protein
Eating more protein-rich foods will help to keep you feeling full longer so you will eat less throughout the day. Snacking on nuts, eating an egg for breakfast, lean meats and poultry for lunch or dinner are excellent ways to sneak in some extra protein to keep you energized, feeling full, and eating less.
Take Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia Cambogia is a diet supplement that will help you lose weight. It has the ability to suppress your appetite so you won't feel so hungry all the time and it blocks fat from being stored in your body. It burns the fat that is already stored in your body first and then proceeds to burn new fats before they have a chance to build up in your body. It has many other health benefits as well.
What Are You Waiting For?
Eating Healthy to Lose Weight Fast and Have More Energy
How To Stop Being So Confused, Lose Weight Fast, Have More Energy, and Feel Like a Million Bucks!
I don't know about you but it is exhausting to look and see all the different nutrition, diet, and weight loss books out there. It has gotten to the point where it is just white noise. There is an answer for everything and a contradiction for all those correct answers.
Why is it so difficult for people to eat healthy, lose weight fast, and have more energy?
Two words... Information overload!!! How can you make any sound decisions on a nutrition program when the grass is always greener on the other side. And I'll even go one step further and say, it shouldn't be that hard. It shouldn't be so hard to eat the foods that help you lose weight fast, keep it off, and give you more energy. In all my years of study, the easiest way I have found is to eat foods as Natural as possible (this means organic, grass-fed, free range, and with No preservatives and processed sugars) and to eat for your Metabolic Type.
What is your metabolic type? It falls into three categories:
Protein Type
Mixed Type
Carbo type
Metabolic Typing is based upon eating the foods that your ancestors ate. Your ancestors' bodies adapted to the foods that were around them. Your chemistry and genetic make-up comes from that too. When you eat those foods, your body will respond positively- it will process the food better and leave you feeling both satisfied and energized. When you start to feel satisfied from your meals, you are more likely to eat less (portions) and snack less on nutrient deficient foods (excess calories/fats). In addition, your mood will improve and you'll feel less lethargic.
The assessment is very easy to take and what I call, scientifically intuitive. You get a score at the end of the test but this is to identify which type category you fall into. More importantly, the test will really get you thinking about how you feel after eating certain foods and what work best for you. Broccoli has a lot of amazing health benefits, but that doesn't mean that it is right for you! I can personally attest to the effectiveness of this "common sense" way of eating. I have always "ate healthy" but I never felt my best. Physically, I looked healthy and had minimal body fat but I felt lethargic and ill most of the time. Once I took this evaluation and tweaked it through simple tracking, I began to experience my potential to feel good.
This is a much easier way to eat because it's not a dogmatic diet that is restrictive and won't necessarily deprive you of the foods you enjoy eating. This means that shopping at the grocery store won't be overwhelming and you wont feel guilty about "going off" your diet when you go out to eat. The meal that you choose at the restaurant will fall right in line with your Metabolic Type. You deserve to look and feel your best and I want to help you get there!
I don't know about you but it is exhausting to look and see all the different nutrition, diet, and weight loss books out there. It has gotten to the point where it is just white noise. There is an answer for everything and a contradiction for all those correct answers.
Why is it so difficult for people to eat healthy, lose weight fast, and have more energy?
Two words... Information overload!!! How can you make any sound decisions on a nutrition program when the grass is always greener on the other side. And I'll even go one step further and say, it shouldn't be that hard. It shouldn't be so hard to eat the foods that help you lose weight fast, keep it off, and give you more energy. In all my years of study, the easiest way I have found is to eat foods as Natural as possible (this means organic, grass-fed, free range, and with No preservatives and processed sugars) and to eat for your Metabolic Type.
What is your metabolic type? It falls into three categories:
Protein Type
Mixed Type
Carbo type
Metabolic Typing is based upon eating the foods that your ancestors ate. Your ancestors' bodies adapted to the foods that were around them. Your chemistry and genetic make-up comes from that too. When you eat those foods, your body will respond positively- it will process the food better and leave you feeling both satisfied and energized. When you start to feel satisfied from your meals, you are more likely to eat less (portions) and snack less on nutrient deficient foods (excess calories/fats). In addition, your mood will improve and you'll feel less lethargic.
The assessment is very easy to take and what I call, scientifically intuitive. You get a score at the end of the test but this is to identify which type category you fall into. More importantly, the test will really get you thinking about how you feel after eating certain foods and what work best for you. Broccoli has a lot of amazing health benefits, but that doesn't mean that it is right for you! I can personally attest to the effectiveness of this "common sense" way of eating. I have always "ate healthy" but I never felt my best. Physically, I looked healthy and had minimal body fat but I felt lethargic and ill most of the time. Once I took this evaluation and tweaked it through simple tracking, I began to experience my potential to feel good.
This is a much easier way to eat because it's not a dogmatic diet that is restrictive and won't necessarily deprive you of the foods you enjoy eating. This means that shopping at the grocery store won't be overwhelming and you wont feel guilty about "going off" your diet when you go out to eat. The meal that you choose at the restaurant will fall right in line with your Metabolic Type. You deserve to look and feel your best and I want to help you get there!
Losing Weight Naturally and Healthily
This is basically a modified fasting regimen that allows you to
re-adjust your metabolism back to the way it was designed to work.
Specifically, it's called alternate day fasting. Here's how it works.
On fasting days, you reduce your food intake to 500 calories. This is the day (actually every 2nd day where you do need to count calories a bit.) These calories should be consumed at one meal; ideally lunch or dinner. On NON-fasting days (every 2nd day) you can eat whatever you want, without counting.
It's simple, but it does an extraordinary thing. You need to consider these mental/emotional perspectives before you begin this regimen and if you are diabetic or hypoglycemic or suffer from adrenal problems, discuss it with your doctor first, please.
Eating one meal on your fast day usually means not eating breakfast. Most of us believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Researching the literature on this, you'll find that most of the studies done that support this perspective were funded by the cereal companies. Other, independent studies do NOT support the importance of breakfast over other meals.
The toughest time emotionally and mentally with this alternate day fast regimen comes in the first 7 - 10 days. It's during this time that your body is adjusting and re-setting your metabolism. This is the CRITICAL period of this weight loss regimen. Stop and think critically for a moment, please.
Re-read the previous sentence with the word critical in it. Remember that in terms of evolution, we are in a continuous fest mode of eating, because we rarely go without a meal these days. This has caused our bodies to adapt to burning sugar as its primary fuel. This down regulates the enzymes that use and burn stored body fat. Fasting is an excellent way to re-adjust your metabolism so your body will once again burn fat as its primary fuel, which helps you to shed your unwanted body fat stores.
The importance of this critical re-adjustment of your metabolism can NOT be over stated. Keep your mental and emotional states strong and high during this period by doing quieter things that you love in your free time. AVOID watching TV, because you wouldn't believe how many food ads there are. When you're fasting, you really notice them and you don't want to focus on food at this critical time.
You want to keep reminding yourself that you are re-adjusting your metabolism in a natural, healthy way. So, when you get past that 7 - 10 day critical period, you will have SUCCESSFULLY switched your metabolism from burning sugar which is a fast-burning fuel to burning fat as the primary fuel. Burning body fat is more satisfying to the body (as it's the evolutionary way our metabolisms developed) and so the body does NOT send you reminder signals called hunger pains so often.
Hunger pains tell you to renew your energy levels by eating. You'll get them a lot LESS often once you switch your metabolism from sugar-burning to fat-burning.
So, think about all of these issues during the critical re-adjustment period and I guarantee you'll succeed and be on your way to losing weight HEALTHILY and NATURALLY, the way your body and its systems were designed to do. Good health to you!
On fasting days, you reduce your food intake to 500 calories. This is the day (actually every 2nd day where you do need to count calories a bit.) These calories should be consumed at one meal; ideally lunch or dinner. On NON-fasting days (every 2nd day) you can eat whatever you want, without counting.
It's simple, but it does an extraordinary thing. You need to consider these mental/emotional perspectives before you begin this regimen and if you are diabetic or hypoglycemic or suffer from adrenal problems, discuss it with your doctor first, please.
Eating one meal on your fast day usually means not eating breakfast. Most of us believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Researching the literature on this, you'll find that most of the studies done that support this perspective were funded by the cereal companies. Other, independent studies do NOT support the importance of breakfast over other meals.
The toughest time emotionally and mentally with this alternate day fast regimen comes in the first 7 - 10 days. It's during this time that your body is adjusting and re-setting your metabolism. This is the CRITICAL period of this weight loss regimen. Stop and think critically for a moment, please.
Re-read the previous sentence with the word critical in it. Remember that in terms of evolution, we are in a continuous fest mode of eating, because we rarely go without a meal these days. This has caused our bodies to adapt to burning sugar as its primary fuel. This down regulates the enzymes that use and burn stored body fat. Fasting is an excellent way to re-adjust your metabolism so your body will once again burn fat as its primary fuel, which helps you to shed your unwanted body fat stores.
The importance of this critical re-adjustment of your metabolism can NOT be over stated. Keep your mental and emotional states strong and high during this period by doing quieter things that you love in your free time. AVOID watching TV, because you wouldn't believe how many food ads there are. When you're fasting, you really notice them and you don't want to focus on food at this critical time.
You want to keep reminding yourself that you are re-adjusting your metabolism in a natural, healthy way. So, when you get past that 7 - 10 day critical period, you will have SUCCESSFULLY switched your metabolism from burning sugar which is a fast-burning fuel to burning fat as the primary fuel. Burning body fat is more satisfying to the body (as it's the evolutionary way our metabolisms developed) and so the body does NOT send you reminder signals called hunger pains so often.
Hunger pains tell you to renew your energy levels by eating. You'll get them a lot LESS often once you switch your metabolism from sugar-burning to fat-burning.
So, think about all of these issues during the critical re-adjustment period and I guarantee you'll succeed and be on your way to losing weight HEALTHILY and NATURALLY, the way your body and its systems were designed to do. Good health to you!
Excellent Advice For Fast Weight Loss
Weight loss is a popular topic these days, and it's something
that many people need to do in order to be healthy and happy. Even so,
most of us have busy lives and just don't have the time to devote to a weight loss plan.
If you want to lose weight, but have little or no time to exercise,
there are a few tips to do so quickly and live a healthy lifestyle. It
can be challenging to lose weight and many people will fail to achieve
their goals because of a motivation failure. Here are some tips for fast
fat loss:
1) Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables both have high nutritional value without any of the harmful fats and no extra calories. Your first step in any weight reduction plan should be increasing fruit and vegetable intake. This type of diet is called a "negative calorie" diet and it is very effective at losing weight quickly. Both the fruits and vegetables will help you burn calories and reach your weight loss goals quickly.
2) Make Your Meals Smaller
You should eat more meals throughout the day, but they should be smaller. Avoid eating 3 meals in a day. Instead, eat 5-6 smaller meals over the course of the day. This will keep your metabolism active, which will help burn calories and result in faster weight loss.
3) Fatty Intake
Many people believe that they need to cut out fats from their diet completely in order to lose weight but that isn't true. You just need to stay away from unsaturated and poly-saturated fats, not the good fats that are essential to the body and actually help with weight loss.
4) Include Lean Proteins and Complex Carbs
Your diet should have foods that are rich in lean proteins and complex carbohydrates, to encourage weight loss. These are complex foods and are digested slowly. This keeps your metabolism going for a while, which will help burn extra calories.
5) Drink Water
Water is essential for your body to function properly and for losing weight. Drink no less than 8-10 glasses of water daily for maximum results in your weight loss plan. Boil water then add honey to it every morning; doing so will promote weight loss and is good for overall health.
6) Get Active
Get up and move more; it will burn more calories, which will help you lose weight. Take a walk at least 3-4 days a week to help you achieve your goals in weight reduction and improve your health.
Weigh loss is not as difficult as most people think it is. You can lose weight easily if you follow the these tips. Losing weight will help you get in shape and live a healthier life, so start losing weight today.
1) Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables both have high nutritional value without any of the harmful fats and no extra calories. Your first step in any weight reduction plan should be increasing fruit and vegetable intake. This type of diet is called a "negative calorie" diet and it is very effective at losing weight quickly. Both the fruits and vegetables will help you burn calories and reach your weight loss goals quickly.
2) Make Your Meals Smaller
You should eat more meals throughout the day, but they should be smaller. Avoid eating 3 meals in a day. Instead, eat 5-6 smaller meals over the course of the day. This will keep your metabolism active, which will help burn calories and result in faster weight loss.
3) Fatty Intake
Many people believe that they need to cut out fats from their diet completely in order to lose weight but that isn't true. You just need to stay away from unsaturated and poly-saturated fats, not the good fats that are essential to the body and actually help with weight loss.
4) Include Lean Proteins and Complex Carbs
Your diet should have foods that are rich in lean proteins and complex carbohydrates, to encourage weight loss. These are complex foods and are digested slowly. This keeps your metabolism going for a while, which will help burn extra calories.
5) Drink Water
Water is essential for your body to function properly and for losing weight. Drink no less than 8-10 glasses of water daily for maximum results in your weight loss plan. Boil water then add honey to it every morning; doing so will promote weight loss and is good for overall health.
6) Get Active
Get up and move more; it will burn more calories, which will help you lose weight. Take a walk at least 3-4 days a week to help you achieve your goals in weight reduction and improve your health.
Weigh loss is not as difficult as most people think it is. You can lose weight easily if you follow the these tips. Losing weight will help you get in shape and live a healthier life, so start losing weight today.
The 5 Step Process to Do Home Workouts for Women Who Want to Lose Weight
Of the different home workouts for women available, circuit
training is the most effective at saving you time and at helping you
lose weight. It requires no fancy equipment. You only need your basic
dumbbells. Heck, maybe only bodyweight exercises alone.
Just follow this 5-step process to use it on your daily schedule.
1. Decide what major body parts you want to exercise.Focusing on the big muscles will help you burn more calories while increasing your metabolism in the least amount of time. You are free to do a total-body workout. Or just focus in certain body parts for the day, ie. doing back exercises one day. But working your legs for the next day.
2. Choose the specific exercise for your selected body parts for the day.Having all different variations for every muscle part, you will never be doing the same workout ever again. Not sure what exercise to do from the many choices? Pick your favorite version for today's session. And use your second best for your next workout session.
3. Set a timer or specific rep range for every circuit.You have two options here. You either choose to limit your sets using a timer. Or you decide how many reps to do. The choice is yours. You can easily go from 30-60 seconds for every set. Or you can go from 8-15 reps. This would depend on the style of workout you want to do for the day.
4. Set a recovery time period.Home workouts for women offer the flexibility to get your session done in the most accommodating amount of time that fits better in your daily schedule. You can use short time recovery periods (30-60 seconds) if you want to get done fast. And this way, you can continue with your to-do list. Or you could set a longer recovery time (90-120 seconds) to have more energy for the next circuit. Only if your schedule allows it, of course.
5. Repeat your circuits according to your available time or your conditioning level.If you only have 15 minutes to workout, then that's fine. That's all you need. On the other hand, you can always calibrate your workout sessions in such a way that you stop once your time is up. Do you want to go for only 3 circuits? Then do it. It doesn't matter if you do it that way for time restraints or for your own conditioning limitations. You are in charge of the way you exercise.
Conclusion:Home workouts for women offer you the freedom and effectiveness to lose weight while saving you time. With the wide variety of exercises and ways to structure your workouts, you'll never do the same workout ever again. This makes every workout session feel like new. Making your weight loss something fun and easy to do.
Just follow this 5-step process to use it on your daily schedule.
1. Decide what major body parts you want to exercise.Focusing on the big muscles will help you burn more calories while increasing your metabolism in the least amount of time. You are free to do a total-body workout. Or just focus in certain body parts for the day, ie. doing back exercises one day. But working your legs for the next day.
2. Choose the specific exercise for your selected body parts for the day.Having all different variations for every muscle part, you will never be doing the same workout ever again. Not sure what exercise to do from the many choices? Pick your favorite version for today's session. And use your second best for your next workout session.
3. Set a timer or specific rep range for every circuit.You have two options here. You either choose to limit your sets using a timer. Or you decide how many reps to do. The choice is yours. You can easily go from 30-60 seconds for every set. Or you can go from 8-15 reps. This would depend on the style of workout you want to do for the day.
4. Set a recovery time period.Home workouts for women offer the flexibility to get your session done in the most accommodating amount of time that fits better in your daily schedule. You can use short time recovery periods (30-60 seconds) if you want to get done fast. And this way, you can continue with your to-do list. Or you could set a longer recovery time (90-120 seconds) to have more energy for the next circuit. Only if your schedule allows it, of course.
5. Repeat your circuits according to your available time or your conditioning level.If you only have 15 minutes to workout, then that's fine. That's all you need. On the other hand, you can always calibrate your workout sessions in such a way that you stop once your time is up. Do you want to go for only 3 circuits? Then do it. It doesn't matter if you do it that way for time restraints or for your own conditioning limitations. You are in charge of the way you exercise.
Conclusion:Home workouts for women offer you the freedom and effectiveness to lose weight while saving you time. With the wide variety of exercises and ways to structure your workouts, you'll never do the same workout ever again. This makes every workout session feel like new. Making your weight loss something fun and easy to do.
Diet, Exercise and Motivation
The journey towards successful weight loss is not an easy one.
Every year millions of people take up the challenge to lose x number of
pounds in so many months or weeks. The success rate is not known. But we
do know that vast majority fail. If not there wouldn't be so many
programs that cater to different audiences promising so many different
types of weight loss. Weight loss is easy if you know the simple math
that you should be burning off more calories than what you consume. If
you create a calorie deficit by eating less and exercising more you lose
The problem with people wanting to lose weight is that they tend to eat all the wrong types of food and expect to lose weight. They also don't exercise portion control when it comes to their favorite foods. If you limit your food intake and exercise portion control you battle of bulge is half won. The next crucial element is exercise.
Physical activity like aerobics, strength training and flexibility training is essential in the quest to weight loss. Aerobics helps increase your metabolic rate which is the rate at which the calories are burned, the strength training exercises help in building muscle which is itself a great way to increase your rate of calories burned. Flexibility training helps in stretching the muscles and increasing their capacity to lift more weight and burn more calories.
Swimming, walking, jogging, running, jumping rope and aerobics are some forms of aerobic exercises, yoga, Pilates, and stretching exercises are some forms of flexibility exercises, lifting weights and training with body weight exercises are some forms of strength training.
Sometimes mid-way in the march towards weight loss folks do lose motivation. Either they no longer feel active enough or can't control their food cravings. They fall off the wagon and tend to lose focus. It is therefore important to keep motivated through different methods of reading motivational books, thinking motivational thoughts, attending motivational lectures and generally remaining positive even when things look bleak.
There are very few weight loss programs that combine all these aspects and help you get started on your journey. Most concentrate on one or two aspects and ignore the other. This is the reason for the high failure rate of most people. If you had complete knowledge of all these points your chances of failure are low. Choose programs that focus on diet, exercise and motivation. You will find a higher rate of success and be happier doing it.
The problem with people wanting to lose weight is that they tend to eat all the wrong types of food and expect to lose weight. They also don't exercise portion control when it comes to their favorite foods. If you limit your food intake and exercise portion control you battle of bulge is half won. The next crucial element is exercise.
Physical activity like aerobics, strength training and flexibility training is essential in the quest to weight loss. Aerobics helps increase your metabolic rate which is the rate at which the calories are burned, the strength training exercises help in building muscle which is itself a great way to increase your rate of calories burned. Flexibility training helps in stretching the muscles and increasing their capacity to lift more weight and burn more calories.
Swimming, walking, jogging, running, jumping rope and aerobics are some forms of aerobic exercises, yoga, Pilates, and stretching exercises are some forms of flexibility exercises, lifting weights and training with body weight exercises are some forms of strength training.
Sometimes mid-way in the march towards weight loss folks do lose motivation. Either they no longer feel active enough or can't control their food cravings. They fall off the wagon and tend to lose focus. It is therefore important to keep motivated through different methods of reading motivational books, thinking motivational thoughts, attending motivational lectures and generally remaining positive even when things look bleak.
There are very few weight loss programs that combine all these aspects and help you get started on your journey. Most concentrate on one or two aspects and ignore the other. This is the reason for the high failure rate of most people. If you had complete knowledge of all these points your chances of failure are low. Choose programs that focus on diet, exercise and motivation. You will find a higher rate of success and be happier doing it.
Lose Weight Fast and Safely - Can There Be a Way to Speed Up Weight Loss?
Losing weight fast and safely is absolutely possible. There is a simple way to speed up weight loss and your body will actually benefit from it.
First of all, pat yourself on the back for even wanting to lose weight in the first place. And you also want to do is safely, that is commendable. There are so many people that harm their bodies when trying to lose weight and it never turns out good. Weight may come off, but let's face it, it doesn't last very long. There are so many fad diets out there. You may or may not have even tried some of them. But even if you have, you now want to do it the smart way.
If you want to be successful with losing weight fast and safely, your success will depend on a couple of things. First, you have to be committed. You have to truly be committed to make a shift and change your current situation. Because whatever you are doing, you simply cannot keep doing it that way. Second, you have to be willing to give your body exactly what it needs to lose weight fast and safely. This means providing your body with the necessary nutrients and supplements it needs to safely reduce weight from your body.
During this quick, simple process, there are also things to be mindful of when you want to lose weight fast and safely. They include:
• Eating plenty of vegetables to help you feel full. Avoid white bread, sugary snacks, and anything processed as these foods will spike your blood sugar levels and make you hungry again.
• Drink plenty of water, aiming for half your body weight in ounces.
• Get tempting foods out of your home. This is so important. If it's not around, you won't eat it!
• Don't skip meals. Aim to eat 3 meals per day, with 2 small snacks in-between meals. You want to provide your body with fuel.
• Exercise. Pushing yourself and exercising with an elevated heart rate for more than 30 minutes per day will help you burn calories and fat.
Last, but certainly not least, your body will benefit tremendously when you heal, repair, and get it exactly where it needs to be to rid unwanted weight away. There is a reason why you are 'stuck' and your body simply needs help. When you help your body, you will be left feeling energized, weight will come off quicker, and you will feel amazing inside and out.
5 Defining Ways for Weight Loss
Many of us today have attempted to lose weight and despite the
struggle, have failed at reaching our goals by losing weight. There are
numerous times we set our own goals by specifying how many Kilos we are
going to lose in the next few months for that killer body we have always
wanted but failed along the way. Today you are that lucky person who is
going to read our 5 Defining Ways to Losing Weight and get that killer
body you have always wanted! Not just that, it is going to change your
attitude as well!
1. A good mind and soul equates to a better body.
It is true that your mind can sometimes govern the way your body works. Sometimes the way you think actually determines the way you behave. Now, for effective weight loss, the number one thing you need to do is THINK POSITIVE. Your negative thoughts can sometimes sway you to eat more just to cheer yourself up or even binge and munch your way to happiness on that bag of potato chips. We do not want that right now do we? Also, a positive mind will actually help you during workouts. It makes you feel determined to get those sets done even as you struggle with muscle aches and you battle through sores during your workouts. It is essentially important that you have the right mind and attitude for losing weight as it is a regime for the right people. Having the right mind and the soul equipped will definitely make things a whole lot easier for you as you go down the road of losing weight. It is a very simple step and also a crucial step in determining your body for the summer.
2. Eating right.
A lot of people say you are what you eat. I find that to be relatively true as positive inputs will lead to positive outcomes. If you are really interested in losing those extra few pounds, you are going to have to make sacrifices. If you are someone who goes to fast food restaurants for meals, it is high time you give them up if you really are that determined in losing weight. Some of those fast food can contribute as high as 500 calories! Now, if you want to lose weight, you have to start eating food that is good for your body. Find the food pyramid and know what you need to eat and what you don't. Go for food that contains the least amount of fat and high amount of fiber!
3. Be calculative.
If you can calculate how many pounds you want to lose, then one of the best ways is to actually calculate the number of calories you consume and be very careful on the amount you should consume! Always remember step number 1, a good mind will help you in never consuming more than what you should consume. Always know your needs and wants and be disciplined on following the amount of calories you need to intake. Get your weight and height calculated to know how many calories you need each day and be strict with yourself!
4. Work out.
Working out is actually another regime that requires high level of discipline but is the only way to help you in burning those unwanted fats away. There are numerous workouts out there available for just about anyone. Going for cardio like jogging and even swimming is very effective in increasing your heart rate and burning those fats. If you are constantly busy, there are also home workout programs or even 10 minute workout programs that help you have a fast and effective fat burning workout for busy people.
5. Never give up.
The very last and simple rule in keeping yourself in shape and continue to lose those weight is to never give up. Many have found themselves giving up most of the time when they work hard but do not see results. It is essential that you must not give up and continue to fight for what you want. You know it is worth it, why not achieve it? Do not give up in your meal plans, workouts and definitely do not give in to yourself and your indulgences. Keep fighting the good fight and tell yourself that, that killer body is definitely worth all this trouble. A lot of people find it difficult to keep up their regime once they lose the weight they want to lose as well, only to find themselves back to their usual weight once they give up their routines. It is important you do not give up on yourself as you are doing this only for you and nobody else.
We sincerely hope that these 5 steps can help you on your way to losing weight! Now what are you waiting for? Go lose some weight! Losing weight does not only help you feel good about yourself, it also helps others feel good about you too!
1. A good mind and soul equates to a better body.
It is true that your mind can sometimes govern the way your body works. Sometimes the way you think actually determines the way you behave. Now, for effective weight loss, the number one thing you need to do is THINK POSITIVE. Your negative thoughts can sometimes sway you to eat more just to cheer yourself up or even binge and munch your way to happiness on that bag of potato chips. We do not want that right now do we? Also, a positive mind will actually help you during workouts. It makes you feel determined to get those sets done even as you struggle with muscle aches and you battle through sores during your workouts. It is essentially important that you have the right mind and attitude for losing weight as it is a regime for the right people. Having the right mind and the soul equipped will definitely make things a whole lot easier for you as you go down the road of losing weight. It is a very simple step and also a crucial step in determining your body for the summer.
2. Eating right.
A lot of people say you are what you eat. I find that to be relatively true as positive inputs will lead to positive outcomes. If you are really interested in losing those extra few pounds, you are going to have to make sacrifices. If you are someone who goes to fast food restaurants for meals, it is high time you give them up if you really are that determined in losing weight. Some of those fast food can contribute as high as 500 calories! Now, if you want to lose weight, you have to start eating food that is good for your body. Find the food pyramid and know what you need to eat and what you don't. Go for food that contains the least amount of fat and high amount of fiber!
3. Be calculative.
If you can calculate how many pounds you want to lose, then one of the best ways is to actually calculate the number of calories you consume and be very careful on the amount you should consume! Always remember step number 1, a good mind will help you in never consuming more than what you should consume. Always know your needs and wants and be disciplined on following the amount of calories you need to intake. Get your weight and height calculated to know how many calories you need each day and be strict with yourself!
4. Work out.
Working out is actually another regime that requires high level of discipline but is the only way to help you in burning those unwanted fats away. There are numerous workouts out there available for just about anyone. Going for cardio like jogging and even swimming is very effective in increasing your heart rate and burning those fats. If you are constantly busy, there are also home workout programs or even 10 minute workout programs that help you have a fast and effective fat burning workout for busy people.
5. Never give up.
The very last and simple rule in keeping yourself in shape and continue to lose those weight is to never give up. Many have found themselves giving up most of the time when they work hard but do not see results. It is essential that you must not give up and continue to fight for what you want. You know it is worth it, why not achieve it? Do not give up in your meal plans, workouts and definitely do not give in to yourself and your indulgences. Keep fighting the good fight and tell yourself that, that killer body is definitely worth all this trouble. A lot of people find it difficult to keep up their regime once they lose the weight they want to lose as well, only to find themselves back to their usual weight once they give up their routines. It is important you do not give up on yourself as you are doing this only for you and nobody else.
We sincerely hope that these 5 steps can help you on your way to losing weight! Now what are you waiting for? Go lose some weight! Losing weight does not only help you feel good about yourself, it also helps others feel good about you too!
Diet Vs Exercise: Which Helps You Lose More Weight?
Which is more effective in helping you lose weight, diet or
exercise? Obviously, in the perfect world you would exercise regularly,
develop a sensible and nutritious diet, get lots of sleep and drink lots
of water. That would help effectively return your body to its ideal
weight. But if you had to choose one or another, exercising or dieting,
which is the most efficient and healthy way to lose weight?
The short answer here is that there is no short answer. You really should exercise frequently while also eating properly. Unfortunately, a study out of Ohio State University's College of Public Health indicates that when you spend time on one action or habit, that often creates less time for another activity. You are focusing all your time and energy on exercise so your diet suffers, or vice versa.
As it turns out, those that believe dieting will help you lose more weight and exercise generally have a lower body mass index (BMI). That information comes from a handful of studies published in Psychological Science. 1,200 participants in South Korea, China, France, Canada and the United States were asked what they believe the main factor is that keeps people overweight. Height, weight and other measurements were taken.
The shocking revelation was, people who believed fitness and exercise was a more important factor for weight loss than proper diet and nutrition actually had higher BMI numbers. They had more body fat. This is because your weight loss mentality impacts your food choices. If you believe exercise is more important than diet for losing weight, you don't pay as much attention to what you are eating and how much you are eating.
And if you believe that proper diet and nutrition removes more weight than exercise, you are more inclined to pay attention to what you put into your body. For instance, in one of the above referenced studies, the volunteers were offered unlimited chocolate. Time and again, those that believed staying active was the key to losing weight ate more than their diet-minded counterparts.
How can you use this revealing research to your advantage? Understand that exercise can definitely help you lose weight. But also remember that effective weight loss means putting the right things into your body in the first place.
Cut back on fatty, saturated and fast foods, white flour, sugar and salt. Drink lots of water, which is often times all your body requires when you think you are hungry. Consistently focus on creating a healthy diet, and your mental beliefs will help you reach your weight loss goals faster.
The short answer here is that there is no short answer. You really should exercise frequently while also eating properly. Unfortunately, a study out of Ohio State University's College of Public Health indicates that when you spend time on one action or habit, that often creates less time for another activity. You are focusing all your time and energy on exercise so your diet suffers, or vice versa.
As it turns out, those that believe dieting will help you lose more weight and exercise generally have a lower body mass index (BMI). That information comes from a handful of studies published in Psychological Science. 1,200 participants in South Korea, China, France, Canada and the United States were asked what they believe the main factor is that keeps people overweight. Height, weight and other measurements were taken.
The shocking revelation was, people who believed fitness and exercise was a more important factor for weight loss than proper diet and nutrition actually had higher BMI numbers. They had more body fat. This is because your weight loss mentality impacts your food choices. If you believe exercise is more important than diet for losing weight, you don't pay as much attention to what you are eating and how much you are eating.
And if you believe that proper diet and nutrition removes more weight than exercise, you are more inclined to pay attention to what you put into your body. For instance, in one of the above referenced studies, the volunteers were offered unlimited chocolate. Time and again, those that believed staying active was the key to losing weight ate more than their diet-minded counterparts.
How can you use this revealing research to your advantage? Understand that exercise can definitely help you lose weight. But also remember that effective weight loss means putting the right things into your body in the first place.
Cut back on fatty, saturated and fast foods, white flour, sugar and salt. Drink lots of water, which is often times all your body requires when you think you are hungry. Consistently focus on creating a healthy diet, and your mental beliefs will help you reach your weight loss goals faster.
5 Healthy Snack Foods To Help Lose Weight
When you're dieting, it can be pretty confusing trying to find
the best foods to lose weight. You certainly need to take into
consideration the snacks you are eating. When you need a fast and easy
food fix some snack foods can pile on loads of unwanted calories. Having
said that, there are healthy foods to lose weight that will help to
satisfy your hunger but not make you put on those extra few pounds.
The popular snack options that we all go for when we feel hungry is usually a bag of potato chips, a chocolate bar or a cake filled with jelly or cream. These snacks will fill you up but they'll also pack the fat on your thighs and stomach. Here are 5 healthy snack foods to lose weight that you can try eating as an alternative.
1. Dried Fruit.
Rather than the bag of potato chips, why don't you consider a bag of dried fruit? You can take dried fruit with you in your car or have in your bag and it won't spoil quickly. Other foods to lose weight include the baked variety of potato chips, popcorn and chopped vegetables like carrots or celery.
2. Low-fat, Low-calorie Granola Bars.
Chocolate bars are a very tempting way to satisfy your hunger, but they are loaded with calories. If you're on a restricted caloric daily allowance, a chocolate bar will use up most of those designated calories, which means that you'll have little left for the remainder of the day. As a substitute, try a low-fat, low-calorie granola bar. Your hunger will be satisfied and it will give your body will get some nutritional value too. If you desperately need a chocolate fix, a small square of dark chocolate is a good way to calm you chocolate cravings.
3. Rice Cakes.
Almost everyone likes a good chocolate chip cookie (or 2 or 3 or possibly more) when they're hungry. Again, they taste good, but they can pack on the calories. Instead of those tasty cookies, other snack foods to lose weight are rice cakes or low-fat, sugar-free cookies. Raisins and nuts are also good protein foods to lose weight.
4. Fig Rolls.
What about those jelly-filled donuts or other popular pastries? They're good for taste (and a quick sugar high) but certainly not healthy foods to lose weight. Maybe you can consider some sugar free fig rolls as diet foods to eat? They don't have as much fat as the pastries and they can satisfy your sweet craving that you may be feeling when you reach for the jelly-filled donuts or cakes.
5. Fresh Fruit.
Obviously, fresh fruits and veggies are some of the most healthy foods to lose weight. Grapes, cherries, berries, apples, mangoes and bananas are delicious alternatives for the calorie loaded desserts and cakes. A tasty way to enjoy these fruits as an alternative to ice cream, are to chop them up and mix them into a low fat sugar-free yogurt. Take the time to clean, cut up and store fruits and vegetables as soon as they are brought in from the market, so they can be grabbed on the go or any time you have a craving so you are not even tempted to grab that bag of potato chips or box of cookies.
The popular snack options that we all go for when we feel hungry is usually a bag of potato chips, a chocolate bar or a cake filled with jelly or cream. These snacks will fill you up but they'll also pack the fat on your thighs and stomach. Here are 5 healthy snack foods to lose weight that you can try eating as an alternative.
1. Dried Fruit.
Rather than the bag of potato chips, why don't you consider a bag of dried fruit? You can take dried fruit with you in your car or have in your bag and it won't spoil quickly. Other foods to lose weight include the baked variety of potato chips, popcorn and chopped vegetables like carrots or celery.
2. Low-fat, Low-calorie Granola Bars.
Chocolate bars are a very tempting way to satisfy your hunger, but they are loaded with calories. If you're on a restricted caloric daily allowance, a chocolate bar will use up most of those designated calories, which means that you'll have little left for the remainder of the day. As a substitute, try a low-fat, low-calorie granola bar. Your hunger will be satisfied and it will give your body will get some nutritional value too. If you desperately need a chocolate fix, a small square of dark chocolate is a good way to calm you chocolate cravings.
3. Rice Cakes.
Almost everyone likes a good chocolate chip cookie (or 2 or 3 or possibly more) when they're hungry. Again, they taste good, but they can pack on the calories. Instead of those tasty cookies, other snack foods to lose weight are rice cakes or low-fat, sugar-free cookies. Raisins and nuts are also good protein foods to lose weight.
4. Fig Rolls.
What about those jelly-filled donuts or other popular pastries? They're good for taste (and a quick sugar high) but certainly not healthy foods to lose weight. Maybe you can consider some sugar free fig rolls as diet foods to eat? They don't have as much fat as the pastries and they can satisfy your sweet craving that you may be feeling when you reach for the jelly-filled donuts or cakes.
5. Fresh Fruit.
Obviously, fresh fruits and veggies are some of the most healthy foods to lose weight. Grapes, cherries, berries, apples, mangoes and bananas are delicious alternatives for the calorie loaded desserts and cakes. A tasty way to enjoy these fruits as an alternative to ice cream, are to chop them up and mix them into a low fat sugar-free yogurt. Take the time to clean, cut up and store fruits and vegetables as soon as they are brought in from the market, so they can be grabbed on the go or any time you have a craving so you are not even tempted to grab that bag of potato chips or box of cookies.
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