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News on Healthy Weight - Yogurt Helps Women Stay Shapely
A healthy supplement similar to the acidophilus used in yogurt has been found in a Canadian study to help overweight women to lose weight and keep it off. Known as "probiotics", these healthy bacteria in the intestine are "pro" or beneficial to the health of the body. They stimulate the immune system to be stronger, keep the stomach and bowels healthy, and help urinary health. In addition, a 2006 Stanford University study found that obese people have different gut bacteria than normal-weighted people -- a first indication that gut bacteria can play a role in overall weight.
The Stanford University research has now spurred a new study, done by a team of researchers at the University of Laval in Quebec Canada. Headed by Professor Angelo Tremblay, the researchers sought to confirm the premise that consuming probiotics could help reset the balance of intestinal flora in favor of those that promote a healthy weight. It may be that a diet high in fat and low in fiber leads to certain bacteria flourishing at the expense of others. They recruited 125 overweight people to test this theory.
During the first 12-week period of the Canadian study, the subjects underwent a weight-loss diet. This was followed by a 12-week period aimed at maintaining their body weight. Throughout the entire 24 weeks, half of the subjects took two pills daily containing probiotics, while the other half received placebos. After the 12-week dieting period, there was an average weight loss of 8.8 pounds in the women in the probiotics group and 5.7 pounds for women in the placebo group.
The interesting difference is that at the end of the 12-week maintenance period, the weight of the women in the placebo group stayed the same, but the women in the probiotics group continued to lose weight - a total of 11.5 pounds per person. Upon testing, these women demonstrated having a drop in an appetite-regulating hormone, as well as less of the intestinal bacteria related to obesity.
10 Powerful Ways to Destress and Lose Weight
One thing that comes up repeatedly when studying weight loss is the fact that while we live in a modern world, we do not live in modern bodies. Our bodies have changed little in the past 30,000 years, and many of the ways our hormones respond to things like hunger and stress are adapted to a lifestyle far, far less sedentary than the one we are living today. Due to the way our lifestyle has outpaced our bodies' ability to evolve, many of the "right" signals sent by our brains have the "wrong" result-rather than aiding in our survival, they can increase our risk of illness and death by promoting weight gain.
The hormone cortisol is one such example of this phenomenon. Studies are increasingly demonstrating that this hormone, which is released when you are under stress, contributes to weight gain and obesity today in a way it would not have in prehistoric times.
When you are under stress, your brain calls on cortisol to provide you with 'emergency' energy by tapping into the body's fat stores, moving them to the abdomen, and providing the body with protein for energy production. This occurs through the process of converting amino acids into glucose in the liver called gluconeogenesis. It also matures fat cells, and prompts the brain to crave more 'high energy' foods, such as sugars and fats, something which may cause your tendency to reach for "comfort foods" when upset.
Why does your brain send these signals? During prehistoric times, being under stress used to necessitate a lot more physical activity, and therefore required a lot more energy, than it does today. Those early stressors would have largely been due to events like running from a predator, being low on food and having to hunt and forage for long hours, or having one's shelter destroyed and having to build a new one-not having to pay the cell phone bill, or being late to an appointment due to rush hour traffic. Therefore, the body is trained to release its stores of energy and crave more of what produces energy when it is under stress, as it assumes a physical threat needs to be addressed.
This can be a real hurdle to those of you looking to lose weight, due to the fact that it's very hard to fight your basic instincts. Additionally, because of our current lifestyle, there is also no way to stop stress from entering our lives. However, all is not lost. If we learn to regulate and limit our body's production of cortisol, we can reduce our risk of disease and lose weight. Before you embark on reducing stress in your life, make sure that eating a healthy diet tops the list of things to employ.
Try these 10 helpful tips to reduce stress (cortisol levels) and lose weight:
1. Eliminate caffeine (or at least greatly reduce it).
Drinking caffeine causes a spike in cortisol levels, likely due to the fact that it raises your adrenaline levels and your heart rate, much like stress does.
2. Eliminate processed foods.
Ah, there are so many reasons to do this, aren't there? In addition to all the other issues processed foods can cause, they also raise your cortisol levels. Sugars and simple carbohydrates are the worst offenders. Eat a healthy diet enriched with vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
3. Drink plenty of water.
Dehydration can cause a rise in cortisol levels, which can develop into a dangerous cycle, as those who are stressed are also more prone to dehydration.
4. Exercise.
This one is just logical, isn't it? If your body is giving you energy because it's expecting you will need to do physical activity, burn off that energy by doing physical activity. Try a relaxing exercise, such as yoga, and get a double benefit by also lowering your heart rate. Another great way to reduce stress is by walking. It's also a fun way to walk away the pounds.
5. Listen to some music.
Music has been shown to reduce cortisol levels in patients about to undergo surgery, and it raises levels of serotonin in the brain, too. Select your favorite music and relax.
6. Laugh.
Laughter greatly curbs your body's production of cortisol. If you're feeling stressed, unwind with a good comedy, or joke around with friends. It will take the weight of the world right off your shoulders, and off your belly.
7. Meditate.
This age-old stress reducer activates the Vagus nerve, which triggers your body to lower cortisol levels. Try meditating for 30 minutes a day, at least three times a week, and see if you don't feel a difference in your ability to handle stress.
8. Get your 8 hours.
Sleep deprivation has been proven to cause weight gain, and once again cortisol comes into play. Not getting enough sleep causes the body to produce more cortisol, and it's another "vicious cycle" type of situation, because stress keeps us up at night. Exercise, chamomile tea, and natural sleep aids can all go a long way towards helping you get your rest.
9. Spend some quality time with your pets.
There's a reason animals are used as a form of therapy-your furry friends can raise your endorphins and lower your cortisol levels in no time.
10. Get creative.
Whether your passion is art, music, writing, or something else altogether, creative expression releases endorphins while activating the parasympathetic nervous system and lowering your heart rate. This in turn lowers cortisol levels, all while adding beauty to your life and boosting your confidence.
All You Need to Know About Fat Burning Foods
Obesity rates are at an all-time high. More than one third of all American adults are now obese or severely overweight. Even worse, the number of children who are overweight also make up more than one third. The consequences of this are too many to count. Diabetes, heart problems, joint problems, and constant fatigue, are some of the problems that can and does arise from carrying around too much fat. Because of this, people from all the way high up in the political office all the way down to teachers and parents are scrambling to figure out a way to solve this epidemic. There's no doubt that people just simply aren't moving their bodies enough. Combine that will all of the fast food and you got a recipe for disaster!
There are ways to solve this though. Maybe not on a national level, at least not for now, but on an individual level. People can change the way they live their life and they do so every day. There is an endless amount of different diets, fads, workout programs, and even fat loss pills that people try out every day. Some work and some don't. There is no doubt that there is a huge industry surrounding weight loss, and a lot of big players are making a lot of money off of people's ignorance. So it's not that surprising that there is a heck of a lot of scepticism surrounding weight loss and what works.
What's exciting is that there is a "new" way to lose weight that does work. Does it erase the need for exercise? No. Does it make it possible to lose weight while chugging down three Big Mac's? No. But it does make the process of losing weight a whole lot quicker and simpler. To make matters even better, it doesn't really require much of a lifestyle change. What we're talking about here are so-called fat burning foods. A few quick changes to what's inside your refrigerator and you can start losing weight immediately just by eating these foods that carry that unique quality that boosts your metabolism. However, that is just one side of the equation. You also need to make sure to get rid of the foods that are hindering your body from burning fat. And you would probably be surprised to find out which food it is. Many of them are what many of us would consider to be healthy and nutritious.
Eating certain foods while staying away from certain others will let your body burn off fat a lot quicker. It's because of this simplicity that this fat burning method is picking up steam and becoming more popular. Users of this method report amazing results after just a few weeks. Many experts have come around as well, from initially rejecting it to now fully embracing it and teaching it to others.
Are you prepared to reject a lot of what you have been taught up until now about the body and how it works, and what is and isn't required of you if you want to lose weight? You will have to start rejecting a lot of the conventional wisdom that's out there, and there's no doubt that you will be going against the grain a lot of the time.
Imagine how sweet it would be if your body could look great in time for this next summer, instead of the one the year after that? Wouldn't it be great to start seeing your body fat percentage drop in a matter of days? Perhaps it is at least worth looking into it a bit more? This is not a fad or some "quick fix" method to losing weight, but one that actually works when incorporated into your lifestyle.
Do You Have Trouble Losing Weight?
A lot of people find it hard to lose weight. It seems that no matter what diet they try, it doesn't work, even though that diet works for others. There are many reasons for this but there is one factor that can break any weight loss program.
Inflammation is the villain. Not the inflammation that you experience with a scraped knee or a sprained ankle; this type of inflammation is an important part of the healing process. I'm talking about general body, "silent" inflammation - killer inflammation. Silent inflammation is destructive and at the core of many serious illnesses, including heart disease, stroke and autoimmune disease.
Silent Inflammation also affects important weight-regulating hormones. You have two main appetite regulation hormones, Ghrelin and Leptin. Ghrelin tells your brain when you are hungry and you need to eat. Leptin lets your brain know when you're full. But if your brain doesn't get the "I'm full" signal from Leptin, you will want to eat and eat. No matter what diet you try, it isn't going to work because you're never satisfied.
So how does this relate to inflammation? One of the most important inflammatory related substances in the body is hsCRP, or high sensitivity C-reactive protein. C-reactive protein is produced in the liver and the more inflamed you are, the more hsCRP the liver will make. The hsCRP attaches to Leptin, binding it up so that the Leptin can't cross the blood / brain barrier to tell your brain you are full. You are now "leptin resistant" and will have a harder time feeling full and satisfied after eating.
If you want to lower your hsCRP and "unbind" the Leptin, you must decrease your inflammation level. How do you do this?
- Cut the carbs - Sugar, especially high fructose corn syrup, and starch, especially refined grains and white potatoes are inflammatory foods. Avoid all of these for now to give your body a rest.
- Reduce stress - Emotional, mental and physical stress can all raise your hsCRP. Over-exercising is very hard on the body. I recommend Burst Training or moderate weight lifting rather than intense prolonged exercise
- Get enough sleep - Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep. Teens need 8-10
- Support your adrenal glands - Reducing stress is important for this. There are also helpful herbal and nutritional supplements.
- Keep your insulin under control - Excess insulin is very inflammatory. Don't skip meals, avoid overeating, include adequate healthy proteins and fats - from grass fed meats and wild caught fish in your diet, and cut the refined and simple starches and sugars
- Take nutritional and herbal supplements to cool the inflammation. Turmeric, boswelia, resveratrol, garlic, ginger and cinnamon are among the helpful herbs.
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Are These Carbohydrates Sabotaging Your Weight Loss?
Tired of shrinking clothes?
Do you wake up tired?
According to the CDC, 69% of American adults over the age of 20 are overweight! It's not just your health that's affected by being overweight. Your quality of life suffers as well.
We have become a sedentary society with poor eating habits. Surprisingly, even active adults have difficulty losing weight.
Why is this the case?
Poor dietary habits or following incorrect dietary advice. In this quick fix society we chase the path of least resistance. This makes you particularly prone to fad diets or the latest weight loss "guru".
If you want lasting weight loss success, you need to ditch the low-calorie, low carbohydrate diets. These diets will produce some weight loss initially, but the weight loss will be short-lived as your body adapts to a lower caloric intake by lowering your resting metabolic rate. Now your body will burn fewer calories at rest and you have to spend more time working out or further lower your caloric intake to keep the weight off.
In today's article we are going to discuss the value of carbohydrates in your diet and what "quality" carbohydrates to include in your diet.
Let's start our discussion with what carbohydrates you should avoid so that you can maximize your weight loss.
Over processed, refined carbohydrates: These carbohydrates include:
- pastas
- bagels
- breads
- cereals
- rice
- sodas, juices, candies, etc.
Avoid most products listed as whole grain. Refined flour is the first ingredient listed in a lot of these whole grain products. This refined flour will still spike your blood sugar and create an insulin surge. A bodily reaction that is counter to weight loss.
What happens if you keep eating these processed carbohydrates?
A higher incidence of diabetes. Ask 25.8 million diabetic Americans about their diets and you can bet that their diets include a lot of processed carbohydrates.
If you are struggling to lose weight, despite spending hours and hours each week in the gym, then make these dietary changes to see lasting success.
- Focus your carbohydrate intake on whole foods, especially vegetables. Combine this with a high protein diet (especially grass-fed meats and range free eggs and dairy), and watch the weight drop off.
- What are bran and germ? These are the healthiest parts of a grain. If you are going to eat grains at all, then focus on only these two portions of grains as a part of your diet. However, the bulk of your carbohydrate intake should include whole vegetables, dark-skinned fruits and berries. Avoid the lure of fruit juices. They have had the valuable fiber removed as well as other beneficial nutrients.
- Healthy fats are a great way to replace processed carbohydrates in your diet. These healthy fats include grass-fed meats and dairy, avocados, walnuts, cashews, brazil nuts and almond butter. Peanuts are actually the least nutritious nut, so eat these in moderation. These healthy fats and proteins will do a better job of satisfying your hunger while keeping blood sugar and insulin levels in check.
Try eliminating, or at least limiting, your processed carbohydrate intake and watch how quickly that lean, healthy physique appears and your energy levels soar.
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